Yesterday at the McDougall township dump there were 5 Bald Eagles, 4 Glaucous 
Gulls, 56 Herring Gulls and about 75 Ravens. The McDougall township dump is on 
McDougall Road, 6 km east of Hwy 400/69 at Parry Sound. If the gate is closed, 
drive a few hundred metres further east to Haines Lake Road, park, and view 
from the ridge that runs parallel to McDougall Road.
A Common Loon was in Parry Sound harbour, at the foot of Champagne St.
Today at the Byng Inlet dump on Hwy 645 there was 1 sub-adult Bald Eagle and, a 
few km down the road on Hwy 529, a Northern Shrike. Most surprisingly was an 
adult White-crowned Sparrow at the feeders on 299 Old Still River Road in 
Britt, where there were also 9 Pine Grosbeaks. Britt is about 55 km north of 
Parry Sound on Hwy 69, and Byng Inlet is just south of Britt.
Mark Kubisz,Scarborough, ON
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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