The 99th Hamilton Christmas Bird Count (CBC) was held on Thursday, December
26 in Hamilton, Ontario.

The Hamilton CBC count circle centres upon Dundurn Castle; it is bounded in
the west by Christie Lake, in the east by Lake Ontario, in the north by
Lake Medad, and in the south by Hamilton International Airport. It includes
two Important Bird & Biodiversity Areas (IBAs): West End of Lake Ontario
(WELO) IBA, and Dundas Valley & Dundas Marsh IBA.

The weather on count day was cool and damp. It was overcast, with the
thermometer ranging between 0°C and 3°C, humidity near 100%, and a very
light and brief misting rain on a couple occasions. Light winds began from
the east but shifted north by the end of the day.

A record-setting one hundred and nine participants either set out to count
in the field or watch birdfeeders, with twenty-two counters working alone
and the rest forming a total thirty different groups. A total of 359.75
hours effort was put in by the participants (also a record high), with a
resulting 97 different species observed, plus another 4 on the count week,
giving a result of 101 species countable. This is only slightly below both
the 10-year (103.8 species) and 25-year (102.3 species) averages.

A total of 37,165 individual birds were counted on the count day. This is
11,034 below the 10-year average and 25,598 below the 25-year average. It
is only 802 above the lowest year in the last 40 years.

The lower count numbers can be partly explained by the lack of cover ice
over the waterways. In years where ice is prevalent there tends to be much
higher concentrations of waterfowl in our count circle.

Waterfowl numbers do not explain it all, however, as passerine species
counted at 12,164 represent a new 25-year low. Raptor species counted at
139 individuals represents a low not seen since 1999, which had 92 counted.

Another "low" record set was the complete absence of the Green-winged Teal.
This represents the first count day in the modern count (since the circle
was standardized in 1955) that did not have this species found. It was also
not found during count week, making this species a complete miss this year.

A total of seven historical high species counts were set this year. In
spite of the low waterfowl numbers, three of these records are of duck

The White-winged Scoters showed up in plentiful numbers, with a counted
total of 1,604, almost 500 more than the previous record set in 2016.

Red-breasted Mergansers had a strong showing with 781 counted, nearly 200
over the historic record last set in 2009.

Barrow's Goldeneye made its 7th appearance in the Hamilton count, but with
just one individual counted ties with all the previous appearances. What
makes this year different however, was the additional appearance of a
hybrid Barrow's x Common Goldeneye. One could say this sets a new record at
1.5 Barrow's Goldeneyes, however I don't think the CBC database will accept
this count, so will be left at one.

Another species with a similar pattern of appearances, Kumlien's Gull, made
a solo appearance, tying the record of one again. Currently this taxon is
considered a sub-species of Iceland Gull however, so did not count towards
the species count as it would have long ago.

Gray Catbirds were found in multiple locations, with a total count of 4
individuals. This species shows up once and a while, usually as lone
individuals, but until this year were never more than 2 counted in the
entire circle.

Common Raven set a record yet again, this year at 6 counted individuals.
This species first appeared in 2003, and has only been missed once in the
last 10 years of the count, making it a new regular.

Two perennial record-setters have shown no signs of slowing down.

Red-bellied Woodpeckers have set another record at 115 counted. This
species first appeared in the 1979 count, but didn't truly begin to
establish until the 2000s. Since 2001, it has not missed a year.

Carolina Wren have hit a new record of 122 counted, showing now in all
parts of the circle. This species has appeared in the count nonstop since
1994. Prior to that it had always been something found in very small
numbers every few years.

A lone Marsh Wren was found on count day near Eramosa Karst Conservation
Area, representing the first one found on count day since 1982.

Also of note, the Winter Wren, while only matching a 10-year record of 25
counted, has appeared in far more locations than usual. Typically found in
Hendrie Valley and Cootes in good numbers, those locations reported lower
than usual numbers. Instead, the species this year appeared in small
numbers fairly evenly across the circle.

Ten-year high count records were set with the following species: Redhead
(284), Common Goldeneye (3,117), Common Merganser (2,060), Downy Woodpecker
(248), Hairy Woodpecker (103), Northern Flicker (11), and Song Sparrow (46).

Conversely, ten-year lows were set with: American Black Duck (137),
American Coot (8), and Red-tailed Hawk (89).

Twenty-five year lows were set for Black-capped Chickadee (928), and
Sharp-shinned Hawk (2).

Other highlights of the count include: a lone Rusty Blackbird in Stoney
Creek, an Eastern Towhee found on Artaban Road in count week, five Cackling
Goose found in a quarry, a lone King Eider and a hybrid Common Goldeneye x
Hooded Merganser was seen in Hamilton Harbour.

Thank you to all of our counters and those who contributed count week
birds. We saw many new feeder watchers this year, and hope to continue
adding more as we approach our hundredth count next year. A final report
with a full list of all our counters will be in a future issue of the
Hamilton Naturalists' Club journal, The Wood Duck.

The raw data:

* = New highest record in count history (99 years)

*10y = Highest count in last 10 years

CW = Count Week species

Participants: *109

Hours-effort: *359.75

Count day species: 97

Spuhs/slashes: 5

Hybrids: 2

Count week species: 4

Total species: 101

Species counts (in taxonomic order)

Cackling Goose   5

Canada Goose   5,712

Mute Swan   77

Trumpeter Swan   106

Tundra Swan   8

Northern Shoveler   73

Gadwall   47

American Wigeon   1

Mallard   4,015

American Black Duck   137

Northern Pintail   1

Canvasback   209

*10y Redhead   284

Ring-necked Duck   71

Greater Scaup   1,119

Lesser Scaup   452

King Eider   1

Surf Scoter   28

* White-winged Scoter   1,604

Black Scoter   5

Long-tailed Duck   2,236

Bufflehead   316

*10y Common Goldeneye   3,117

* Barrow's Goldeneye   1

Barrow's x Common Goldeneye (hybrid) 1

Common Goldeneye x Hooded Merganser (hybrid) 1

Hooded Merganser   174

*10y Common Merganser   2,060

* Red-breasted Merganser   781

Ruddy Duck   291

Wild Turkey   22

Pied-billed Grebe   1

Horned Grebe   3

Red-necked Grebe   3

Rock Pigeon   1,297

Mourning Dove   889

American Coot   8

Ring-billed Gull   1,127

Herring Gull   568

Iceland Gull   1

* Iceland Gull (kumlieni)   1

Lesser Black-backed Gull   2

Glaucous Gull   1

Great Black-backed Gull   84

gull sp.   5

Red-throated Loon CW

Common Loon   6

loon sp.   1

Double-crested Cormorant   91

Great Blue Heron   4

Black-crowned Night-Heron   1

Northern Harrier CW

Sharp-shinned Hawk   2

Cooper's Hawk   19

Bald Eagle   5

Red-tailed Hawk   89

hawk sp.   3

Eastern Screech-Owl   8

Great Horned Owl   3

Belted Kingfisher   7

* Red-bellied Woodpecker   115

*10y Downy Woodpecker   248

*10y Hairy Woodpecker   103

Downy/Hairy Woodpecker   2

Pileated Woodpecker   10

*10y Northern Flicker   11

American Kestrel   4

Merlin   3

Peregrine Falcon   3

Northern Shrike   4

Blue Jay   314

American Crow   556

* Common Raven   6

Black-capped Chickadee   928

Tufted Titmouse   4

Red-breasted Nuthatch   14

White-breasted Nuthatch   203

Brown Creeper   17

Winter Wren   25

*25y Marsh Wren   1

* Carolina Wren   122

Golden-crowned Kinglet   23

Eastern Bluebird   24

Hermit Thrush   3

American Robin   448

* Gray Catbird   4

Northern Mockingbird   15

European Starling   2,631

Cedar Waxwing   333

House Finch   314

Common Redpoll   2

Pine Siskin   2

American Goldfinch   645

Snow Bunting   1

Chipping Sparrow   2

American Tree Sparrow   113

Dark-eyed Junco   724

White-crowned Sparrow   5

White-throated Sparrow   90

Song Sparrow   46

Swamp Sparrow   4

Eastern Towhee CW

Brown-headed Cowbird   1

Rusty Blackbird   1

Common Grackle CW

blackbird sp.   2

Yellow-rumped Warbler   2

Northern Cardinal   438

House Sparrow   1,415


Save the date: on December 7, 2020 we'll be celebrating the 100th Hamilton
Christmas Bird Count during the Hamilton Naturalists' Club general meeting.
All are welcomed. See closer to the date for

Rob Porter,

Compiler, 99th Hamilton Christmas Bird Count

Robert Gerald Porter

Hamilton Naturalists' Club / Field Events Director
Weever Apps / Chief Innovation Officer, Co-founder
Songbirding Podcast / Creator, Host
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