There were lots of birders in the Park this week and they were treated to a 
continuing good variety of winter finches. The Visitor Centre feeders and 
parking lot remain productive. At least 100 people saw Spruce Grouse on 
Saturday, including those on the “Winter in the Wild Festival” morning and 
afternoon guided walks at Spruce Bog Boardwalk. For many, this was a “life 


Boreal Species

Spruce Grouse: a female and a male were observed feeding high in spruce and 
balsam fir trees near the first short boardwalk at the Spruce Bog Boardwalk 
entrance all week. One was also noted high in spruce south of the kettle bog 
section of that trail on Feb 17.

Black-backed Woodpecker: a male was photographed near the winter gate on 
Opeongo Road and one was seen at the Logging Museum, both on Feb 20.

Canada Jay: continued to be seen regularly at Spruce Bog Boardwalk, Opeongo 
Road and the Logging Museum Trail.

Boreal Chickadee: none reported since late December.


Winter Finches

Evening Grosbeak: up to 20 daily at the Visitor Centre feeders, mostly in the 

PINE GROSBEAK: one was reported on Opeongo Road on Feb 17.

Purple Finch: widespread in low numbers; regular at the Visitor Centre.

Red Crossbill: widespread observations continue; seen daily at the Visitor 

White-winged Crossbill: widespread in relatively small numbers; frequently 
heard singing as nesting appears to be in progress.

Pine Siskin: widespread along Highway 60 and regular at the Visitor Centre, 
with up to 20 reported there this week.

American Goldfinch: widespread in low numbers along Highway 60; up to 20 daily 
at the Visitor Centre.


Additional birds seen regularly at the Visitor Centre included: Ruffed Grouse 
(1), American Tree Sparrow (up to 7), Dark-eyed Junco (up to 7) and Red-winged 
Blackbird (first year male present since Jan 8). Tree Sparrows and Juncos are 
usually not present in Algonquin Park during winter but do occur when there are 
large tree seed crops and lower than normal early winter snow depth, as in this 
winter. Fallen tree seeds provide food for these two species.


The Friends of Algonquin Park is offering live streaming views of the feeders 
at the Visitor Centre daily, during both the day and night. Wildlife monitoring 
activities are expected to continue at the feeders until March 31, but warmer 
weather conditions may end operations sooner. Tune in to see what is active:


DIRECTIONS: Algonquin Provincial Park is three hours north of Toronto, via 
Highways 400, 11 and 60. Follow the signs which start in Toronto on Highway 
400. From Ottawa, take Highway 17 to Renfrew, then follow Highway 60 to the 
Park. Kilometre markers along Highway 60 in the Park go from the West Gate (km 
0) to near the East Gate (km 56). The Visitor Centre exhibits, bookstore and 
restaurant at km 43 are open on weekends from 9 am to 5 pm. The Visitor Centre 
is also open with limited services on weekdays from 9 am to 4 pm. Get your park 
permit and Information Guide (with a map showing birding locations mentioned 
above) at the East Gate, West Gate or Visitor Centre. Locations are also 
described at:

Ron Tozer, Algonquin Park Naturalist (retired), Dwight, ON


ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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