Visitors this week enjoyed the final colour of the fall as tamaracks blazed
in the bogs along Highway 60. Finches are being seen in small numbers. The
Visitor Centre feeders became operational today.

Boreal Species:

Spruce Grouse: two north of the register box on Spruce Bog Boardwalk
(October 24) and one along Opeongo Road (October 26)

Black-backed Woodpecker: male and female on east side of Highway 60
at km 53.9, opposite Leaf Lake Ski Trail (October 24)

Gray Jay: conspicuous again as the fall advances. Being seen regularly at
Spruce Bog Boardwalk, the Visitor Centre, and along Opeongo Road.

Boreal Chickadee: one north of the register box on Spruce Bog Boardwalk
(October 24). Try the old railway west of Arowhon Road to Wolf Howl
Pond and West Rose Lake.


White-winged Crossbill: very small numbers have been observed recently,
usually calling as they flew over. About 20 were flying over at tree-top
level at km 20 today.

COMMON REDPOLL: a few have been reported over the last 10 days.
Six were at the Visitor Centre today.

Pine Siskin: two were around the Visitor Centre today.

American Goldfinch: one was at the Visitor Centre today.

Evening Grosbeak: about 15 were at the Visitor Centre today.

We would appreciate receiving your bird observations for our Visitor
Centre records. 

Ron Tozer
Algonquin Park Naturalist (retired)
Dwight, ON

Algonquin Park is three hours north of Toronto, via Highways 400, 11 and 60.
Follow the signs, which start in Toronto on Highway 400. From Ottawa, take
Highway 17 to Renfrew, then follow Highway 60 to the park. Kilometre markers
along Highway 60 in the Park go from the West Gate (km 0) to near the East
Gate (km 56). Get your park permit and the park tabloid (with a map of
birding locations mentioned here) at the gates.
The Visitor Centre at km 43 has recent bird sightings, feeders, and
information. The centre will be open on weekends only after this weekend
(October 29-30) from 9 am to 5 pm. Birders visiting during the week may
be able to enter via the service entrance (right end of building) to view
the feeders, after checking in with staff first.
Algonquin Park birding updates and information are available at:

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to
For information about ONTBIRDS visit

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