Here are a few comments about my sightings today. The area in the vicinity
of the visitor centre had the greatest number and variety of birds as noted
in previous reports.

Evening Grosbeaks dominated here but there were flocks of goldfinches,
several Pine Grosbeaks getting grit on the driveway, a flock of about 50
Siskins possibly mixed with redpolls that did not land and a few Bohemian
Waxwings near the visitor centre. Along Hwy 60 I had a flock of about 45
Siskins getting grit near East Beach Picnic area. There were three redpolls
in the flock, one of which was a Southern Hoary that showed a clean white
rump very well.

Gray Jays were present along Arrowhon Rd, at Spruce Bog parking lot and
Opeongo Lake Rd.
I did not locate either Spruce Grouse or Boreal Chickadees and I didn't
meet anyone else who had either.

I was surprised to find Evening Grosbeak flocks in other locations such as
Opeongo Lake Rd and Arrowhon. I also had small flocks of White-winged
Crossbills along Arrowhon, all atop spruces and 8 Reds flying over Hwy #60.

Anyone wanting to drive up Arrowhon Rd should note that the road is not
plowed but vehicles have been making the trip up. Don't try it if you do
not have snow tires and are uncomfortable driving on snowcovered back
roads. You may need to take some of the hills in low gear. All wheel drive
is an asset but not essential. Between km 3 and 4 the road is reduced to a
single track in deep snow. If you encounter a vehcile coming from the
opposite direction between these areas someone will need to back up. It is
not safe to move to the side without risking getting stuck. I do not know
how the coming weather system will affect driving conditions here.

Brian Morin
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