I returned to Amherst Island today with my wife in an attempt to relocate all 
the boreal owls I reported on Friday.  The weather was harsher than earlier 
this weekend, with strong gusts of wind coming off Lake Ontario all day long.  
This forced a lot of the smaller owls deeper into the jack pine plantation.  We 
managed to locate one BOREAL OWL nicely tucked away under a fallen tree, but 
there was no sign of the other three.  However, we did find the three NORTHERN 
SAW-WHET OWLS I reported earlier, and approximately 13 LONG-EARED OWLS, two of 
which were very calm around people and allowed for some great viewing.  
GOLDEN-CROWNED KINGLETS and BROWN CREEPERS were present in the jack pines as 
well.  The male RED-BELLIED WOODPECKER is still present at the feeders, but 
comes and goes often so patience is needed to spot him.  AMERICAN TREE SPARROWS 
and AMERICAN GOLDFINCHES are also present at the feeders.
I attached links to some photos from today and Friday, which I would have done 
in my previous posting had I had time to upload them to my website.
Good birding!
Boreal Owl #1 (12/12): 
** Please note: boreal owls #'s 2 & 3 were not photographed; #2 was snuggly 
hidden on a tall stump, surrounded by thin twigs and branches, and #3 was near 
the top of a tree in the northwestern end of the plantation, approximately 20ft 
above the ground **
Boreal Owl #4 (12/12): 
Saw-whet Owl #1 (12/12): 
** Please nore: saw-whets #2 & 3 we also not photographed; #2 was in a tall 
tree near the entrance to the plantation on the eastern side, and #3 was on the 
northern edge of the plantatiion with its back to me (the tree was not 
accessible from the other side) **
Saw-whet Owl #1 (12/14): 
Saw-whet Owl #2 (12/14): 
** Please note: saw-whet #3 was in an extremely dense juniper tree 
approximately 600ft west of the jack pine plantation and was not photographed **
Boreal Owl (12/14): 
Red-bellied Woodpecker (12/14): 


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