Hi OFO members,

We have just learned that the April issue of Ontario Birds has been
sent to the mailing house and will be in the mail next week.

The contents of this issue are:

-Nesting of American White Pelicans in Lake Erie, 2019 by Chip
Weseloh, Adam Byrne, Doug Crump, Dave Moore and James Ludwig.

-Effects of Double-crested Cormorants on a nest tree at a newly formed
colony by Justin Peter.

-A ground-nesting Bald Eagle in Ontario by Dan Riley.

-White-crowned Pigeon: New to Ontario and Canada by Bruce Di Labio and
Ross Harris.

-Thick-billed Kingbird at Presqu’ile Provincial Park: New to Ontario
by Bruce Di Labio.

-The discovery of a Great Kiskadee at Rondeau Provincial Park: New to
Ontario and Canada by Laura Rainbow Dragon.

-Extralimital records of the Great Kiskadee by Allen Woodliffe.

-Aberrant colouration in some Ontario Birds by Ken Abraham, Chris
Risley and Chip Weseloh.

Hope you enjoy it,
Chris Risley

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
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