At about noon today I saw an adult bald eagle fly over the road just ahead of 
my car while I was traveling westbound on Highway 3 between Stromness and 
Dunville. It began to circle over the hydro facility east of Mumby Rd. I had to 
keep moving so I wasn't able to see if it perched or moved on. Earlier I saw a 
flicker on Canal Rd. near Port Maitland, about 100 metres or so east of the 
Innophos facility. It was actively feeding on the north shoulder of the road, 
and it was still there when I went back past that spot about 15 minutes later.

Dunville lies on Highway 3, near the north shore of Lake Erie.

Dave Bailey
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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