On Wednesday and Thursday I observed and photographed, with one of Michael
Bertelsen's Moose Photography Workshops, a pair of Bald Eagles at a nest at
the far end of Opeongo Lake in Algonquin Park.

We saw both birds flying around so don't know if they are sitting on eggs or
not.  Unable to give directions to site as I have no idea where we were.


Eleanor Kee Wellman

"All Things Wild & Wonderful"

Box 823, Bala, ON, Canada




 <mailto:keewell...@sympatico.ca> keewell...@sympatico.ca

 <http://www.eleanorkeewellman.com/> www.eleanorkeewellman.com 

 <http://keewellman.wordpress.com/> http://keewellman.wordpress.com





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