Hello folks:

Thank you to Doug McRae for making the initial posting about the female
Blue Grosbeak at Presqu'ile.

Further to the directions in Doug's email, the bird fed until dusk on the
south side of Paxton Drive at the edge of a partially overgrown field. Park
at the lighthouse parking lot, and then walk down Paxton to a semi-open
area just past the first major bend in the road. The grosbeak fed
constantly, and always returned to the same spot within 2–3 minutes after
being flushed by the occasional car. When flushed, it never veered far from
the roadside, often staying perched below eye level in nearby redcedars.

Some of the many photos are posted on ebird. Multiple videos were also

Presqu'ile Provincial Park is well signed south of Highway 401 exit 509. If
approaching from Highway 2, turn south on Ontario Street and then west
(right) on Presqu'ile Parkway at the foot of Ontario Street.

Good birding,

Ian and Sofía
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