Merry Christmas All
The Carleton Place count day took place on Sunday the 27th with rather 
challenging conditions.  The day started for the 41 field observers with 
freezing rain followed by a morning of rain, freezing rain and sleet.   By 
afternoon the bad weather abated. 
Our total of 45 species and 6752 individuals appears to be a very average year 
but it was anything but average.   There were two new species: Two Sandhill 
Cranes just west of Ashton and a Snow Goose hiding with nearly a 1000 Canadas 
that moved around between the Almonte Lagoons, fields east of Carleton Place 
and the Mississippi River.  As well six new records were set for numbers and 
one tied as follows:
Canada Goose - 1801 (past record of 475)Mallard - 59 (past record of 
35)Bufflehead - 2 up from 1Hooded Merganser - 13 up from 3Bald Eagle - 6 up 
from 4Dark-eyed Junco - 275 up from 185Pileated Woodpecker - 16 -tied with past 
Of course there were virtually no finches with just a few Redpolls and Siskins 
showing up.
I trust everyone will have a happy New Year and terrific birds in 2016 

Iain Wilkes CO (DSB NC)
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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