Survey 2 of the Dundas IBA (ON005): Report

The second Dundas IBA Bird Survey was conducted on November 24, 2018. In
stark contrast to Survey 1's sunny and hot June weather, the day was quite
cold and overcast with light rain throughout the day, reaching a high of

The survey, which can also be more lengthily referred to as a "Dundas
Valley & Dundas Marsh Important Bird & Biodiversity Area Survey" was
conducted exclusively within natural lands found inside the boundary of the
IBA, which in short covers the Dundas Valley from Summit Muskeg through to
Spencer Creek into Cootes Paradise, extending to Burlington Heights.

To read more about this IBA, see <>.

For those familiar with the Christmas Bird Counts, this survey followed a
similar methodology, but did not include urban areas or backyard
birdfeeders. Lists are submitted and compiled via eBird.

This count included 11 volunteer counters who are to be commended for
covering so much ground this time around with much worse weather condition
and fewer boots on the ground. While we did not cover all mapped zones, we
did cover all key areas, with a total of 29 checklists submitted, very
close to the 31 we had for our first count. Counters experienced a full
spectrum of results in various locations, ranging from numbers that could
be counted on one hand to hundreds.

Since the survey follows a staggered five-month schedule which consequently
results in a five-year cycle, we do not have previous results in the same
season to compare with as of yet. That being stated, there are still some
comparisons that can be made between the first two datasets.

A total of 5,269 birds were counted (+17.9% change from Survey 1) with 73
species identified (-29.8%) in 29 locations.

Of the six "criteria species" (species that have at one time been present
in significant numbers within the IBA) that occur within the season, only
one was observed -- the Red-breasted Merganser (8). This is not very
surprising as those species on the list are a mix of very rare species and
those one might expect much earlier in the season.

Our "top twelve" for total numbers this time around were: Canada Goose
(901), Ring-billed Gull (839), Mallard (772), Black-capped Chickadee (375),
Cedar Waxwing (215), Herring Gull (185), Dark-eyed Junco (161), Common
Merganser (136), American Robin (135), Blue Jay (102), House Sparrow (100),
and Northern Cardinal (92). Of these, the only repeats in the top twelve
list from Survey 1 are American Robin (-49% change), Ring-billed Gull
(+605%), and Black-capped Chickadee (+223%).

Survey 1's top bird, the Red-winged Blackbird, dropped to the absolute
bottom with only one individual counted this time around.

There were only 2 species with 80% or higher distribution for reported
zones, Black-capped Chickadee (97%), Blue Jay (83%). This is in contrast to
the 10 in Survey 1, of which only the Blue Jay (+2% change) achieved such
wide distribution then as well.

An additional 5 species can be noted if the criteria is lowered to at 60%
distribution: Downy Woodpecker (79%), White-breasted Nuthatch (72%),
Red-bellied Woodpecker (66%), Northern Cardinal (66%), Hairy Woodpecker

In stark contrast, there were 21 species that were highly localized; that
is, occurring in one checklist only: Snow Goose, Cackling Goose, Trumpeter
Swan, Common Goldeneye, Red-breasted Merganser, Wild Turkey, Lesser
Black-backed Gull, Double-crested Cormorant, Bald Eagle, Red-shouldered
Hawk, American Kestrel, Tufted Titmouse, Ruby-crowned Kinglet, Northern
Mockingbird, Common Redpoll, Pine Siskin, Snow Bunting, Field Sparrow,
Swamp Sparrow, Red-winged Blackbird, Yellow-rumped Warbler.

It's possible to see some useful comparisons between the surveys when
looking at non-migratory species.

Red-bellied Woodpecker (+5%) have had a relatively similar count, as did
Blue Jay (+10%) and Wild Turkey (+12.50%). White-breasted Nuthatch (+51%)
and Carolina Wren (+50%) have seen a small boost, while Black-capped
Chickadee (+223%) saw a boom in numbers.

Also of note, raptors in general are very likely artificially low in this
count due to the poor visibility throughout the day, which included fog in
many areas. Had the weather been clearer many more Red-tailed Hawks would
have been expected, as well as a Turkey Vulture or two.

There are a few highlights of note, despite the dreary weather.

Winter Wren (2) was present in two locations, possibly indicating more
wintering locations for the species in this region.

A flock of Snow Goose (15) was observed flying over Dundas Valley, and a
lone Cackling Goose was seen in Caroll's Bay.

A Lesser Black-Backed Gull was observed in Cootes Paradise, as were a
number of late Great Blue Heron (11), and one late Ruby-crowned Kinglet.

A lone Tufted Titmouse was observed in Dundas Valley, and a single
Yellow-rumped Warbler was observed along the Spencer Creek Trail in Dundas.

A surprise for the day was not just one, but two Eastern Phoebe found at
Spencer Creek Trail in Dundas first, then along Coldwater Creek at McMaster
University's west campus.

Thank you to all whom have assisted in this second survey, including the
Royal Botanical Gardens and Hamilton Conservation Authority for their
assistance. Our next two surveys are tentatively scheduled for April 14,
2019 and September 14, 2019.

Feel free to contact me with any questions you may have.

Rob Porter
Compiler, Dundas IBA Survey 2


IBA Criteria Species for Autumn
Observed in Survey 2:

Red-breasted Merganser (8)

Not found in Survey 2:

Barn Owl
Chimney Swift
Little Gull
Prothonotary Warbler
Rusty Blackbird

Survey 2 Count Totals

Each line follows the format: species name, count, distribution (% of
checklists present within)

List is in taxonomic order.

Snow Goose    15    (3%)
Cackling Goose    1    (3%)
Canada Goose    901    (52%)
Mute Swan    4    (7%)
Trumpeter Swan    6    (3%)
swan sp.    2    (3%)
Northern Shoveler    18    (7%)
Mallard    772    (41%)
Mallard (Domestic type)    1    (3%)
American Black Duck    20    (10%)
Greater/Lesser Scaup    20    (3%)
Bufflehead    29    (7%)
Common Goldeneye    1    (3%)
Hooded Merganser    45    (14%)
Common Merganser    136    (21%)
Red-breasted Merganser    8    (3%)
duck sp.    230    (10%)
Wild Turkey    9    (3%)
Rock Pigeon    21    (14%)
Mourning Dove    12    (34%)
Ring-billed Gull    839    (55%)
Herring Gull    185    (38%)
Lesser Black-backed Gull    1    (3%)
Great Black-backed Gull    6    (10%)
gull sp.    120    (7%)
Double-crested Cormorant    1    (3%)
Great Blue Heron    11    (17%)
Sharp-shinned Hawk    2    (7%)
Bald Eagle    2    (3%)
Red-shouldered Hawk    1    (3%)
Red-tailed Hawk    7    (21%)
Great Horned Owl    3    (10%)
Belted Kingfisher    5    (14%)
Red-bellied Woodpecker    38    (66%)
Downy Woodpecker    61    (79%)
Hairy Woodpecker    39    (62%)
Downy/Hairy Woodpecker    5    (3%)
Pileated Woodpecker    8    (21%)
Northern Flicker    5    (10%)
American Kestrel    1    (3%)
Eastern Phoebe    2    (7%)
Blue Jay    102    (83%)
American Crow    64    (59%)
Black-capped Chickadee    375    (97%)
Tufted Titmouse    1    (3%)
Red-breasted Nuthatch    7    (14%)
White-breasted Nuthatch    53    (72%)
Brown Creeper    20    (34%)
Winter Wren    2    (7%)
Carolina Wren    30    (45%)
Golden-crowned Kinglet    20    (28%)
Ruby-crowned Kinglet    1    (3%)
Eastern Bluebird    3    (7%)
American Robin    135    (45%)
Northern Mockingbird    2    (3%)
European Starling    45    (17%)
Cedar Waxwing    215    (21%)
House Finch    9    (17%)
Purple Finch    4    (7%)
Common Redpoll    28    (3%)
Pine Siskin    4    (3%)
American Goldfinch    69    (59%)
Snow Bunting    2    (3%)
Field Sparrow    2    (3%)
American Tree Sparrow    44    (31%)
Dark-eyed Junco    161    (55%)
White-throated Sparrow    73    (41%)
Song Sparrow    8    (17%)
Swamp Sparrow    3    (3%)
Red-winged Blackbird    1    (3%)
Yellow-rumped Warbler    1    (3%)
Northern Cardinal    92    (66%)
House Sparrow    100    (28%)

TOTAL birds counted     5269

Species counted    73
Other taxa counted (spuh, slash, or hybrid)    6

Robert Gerald Porter

Hamilton Naturalists' Club / Field Events Director
Weever Apps / Chief Innovation Officer, Co-founder
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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