Today was the first day of good shorebirding I have seen this fall at 
Presqu’ile. I heard the beach had a good number of Semipalmated Sandpipers, 
some Sanderlings, as well as some Semipalmated Plovers. 

However, I didn’t have to leave the front lawn to see a good number of 
shorebirds. On Salt Point this evening there were at least 25 Semipalmated 
Sandpipers, a number of Leasts, up to 6 Sanderlings, 2 Spotted Sandpipers, a 
Black-bellied Plover and then 9 Short-billed Dowitchers flew in halfway through 
my watching. 

Fred Helliener and I agreed that we had never seen such variety of shorebirds 
on Salt Point before. 

- Baxter Naday
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