Subject: OFO Outing June 3rd-Presqu'ile

14 birders attended yesterday's OFO fieldtrip to Presqu'ile Provincial Park, 
Cobourg and Port Hope.

A total of  87  species were recorded including a Cattle Egret with cattle on 
Huff Road just outside the park. Also, Indigo Bunting, Yellow-rumped and Yellow 
warblers, American Redstart, Orchard Oriole, Eastern Wood Pewee, Willow, Least 
and Great Crested flycatchers, Great Egret, Black-crowned Night Heron, 
Red-breasted Mergansers, Osprey, Marsh Wrens,  and Northern Harrier.

Shorebirds were almost invisible at the park except for Killdeer and Spotted 

Migrants of any type were almost non-existant but for Northern Parula near the 

On Trenear Road we found Grasshopper Sparrows, Eastern Meadowlarks and American 
 Kestrel before the heavy rain began.

Afternoon stops in the pouring rain  resulted in Lesser Black-backed Gull and 
Bonaparte's gulls at Cobourg harbour, and another Lesser Black-

backed Gull, Common Loon  plus Semipalmated Sandpiper at Port Hope harbour.

Many thanks once again for Matt Tobey's co-leadership and Brian Wales for his 

Dave Milsom

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provincial birding organization.
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