Hello there:
 After the rains stopped and with very dark,  low,  looming clouds there was 
still some Raptors movements at the Clairville reservoir:

One juvenile Golden Eagle mingled with about 70 Turkey Vulture flying in south 
west direction.
one Snow Goose was in the north part of reservoir 

Direction  Steeles Ave,  South on Finch, west on Kenview Bld to Reservoir north 
of Wild Water Kingdom.( see map below)


I have been checking the Woodbine Racetrack west area for Cackling Geese, but 
have not seen any since last Wednesday{ see map }
Many Canada Geese(85) and Mallards(50) and another Snow Goose ( white morph) 
flying over

Total lists will be submitted to ebird

Cheers .....Luc Fazio
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