Holiday Beach Conservation Area
Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Nov 11, 2010

Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Turkey Vulture              16           2296          38131
Osprey                       0              1            134
Bald Eagle                   1             12            159
Northern Harrier             6             71            704
Sharp-shinned Hawk           2             99           9422
Cooper's Hawk               12            124            536
Northern Goshawk             0              2              7
Red-shouldered Hawk         12            290            491
Broad-winged Hawk            0              0          16133
Red-tailed Hawk            109           2665           3787
Rough-legged Hawk            1             35             38
Golden Eagle                11             44             52
American Kestrel             0              0           1445
Merlin                       0              6            125
Peregrine Falcon             0              0             50
Unknown Accipiter            0              0              2
Unknown Buteo                0              1             13
Unknown Eagle                0              0              0
Unknown Falcon               0              0              0
Unknown Raptor               0              0              2
Mississippi Kite             0              0              1

Total:                     170           5646          71232

Observation start time: 08:00:00 
Observation end   time: 15:30:00 
Total observation time: 7.5 hours

Official Counter:        Jim Pawlicki

Observers:        Larry Ludwicki

Larry Ludwicki stopped in for a while and helped out with the count. Jason
Telasco and friend Gillies Beaudigin, in addition to 2 park visitors
stopped by for a short time in the afternoon.

Starting off foggy in the morning, eventually clearing out by 10:00 giving
way to mostly sunny skies. Winds were light and variable, starting off N
then switching to SW and finally SE by the end of the count. Temps. remain
mild with a high of 16C. 

Raptor Observations:
Once the fog cleared, things started up with a decent push of Red-tails,
Red-shouldereds, and Cooper's Hawks, although nearly all were distant and
well north of the tower given the south winds and mild temps. Golden Eagles
were on the move with the first birds of the day a distant "kettle" of 4
juveniles soaring together over the north end of the marsh at 10:59. A
short time later, another 2 juveniles gli1ded into view, making for 6
visible in the sky at once. The other highlight of the day was the season's
second dark morph (adult) Red-tailed Hawk that passed by with 4 other
Red-tails at 11:29.

Non-raptor Observations:
The regulars: Hairy Woodpecker, Winter Wren, Fox Sparrow, and 120 Rusty
Blackbirds. Am. Pipits and Horned Larks back on the move with 60 and 75
tallied, respectively. Also 4 fly-over Pine Siksins, Yellow-rumped Warbler,
and 3 Ruddy Ducks in the marsh.

Partly cloudy and mild with light SE winds and a high of 15C. Should be
similar to today with more Red-tails on the move, although most will
probably be distant.

Report submitted by Jim Pawlicki (
Holiday Beach Migration Observatory information may be found at:

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