American Wigeon
Harlequin Duck
Ruffed Grouse
Great Blue Heron
Bald Eagle
Northern Harrier
Red-shouldered Hawk
Red-tailed Hawk
Rough-legged Hawk
American Coot
Iceland Gull
Glaucous Gull
Snowy Owl
Short-eared Owl
Pileated Woodpecker
Common Raven
Tufted Titmouse
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Eastern Bluebird
Snow Bunting
Yellow-rumped Warbler
Purple Finch
Common Redpoll

It's been a quiet winter week here in the Hamilton Study Area but perhaps
this weekend people will get out and see some birds while the temperatures
are warm and the winds have died down.

This week saw some of the rarities continue and a couple newer ones crop up.
A RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET continued to survive cold temperatures and was
reported as of last weekend at Sedgewick Park in Oakville.  Sadly the other
rarities here have perished due to the cold.  Yellow-rumped Warblers and
Golden-crowned Kinglets continue to be seen here.  

A BROWN THRASHER appeared for a day at a feeder near Lynden mid-week, no
reports since.  A GRAY CATBIRD continues to make appearances on 11th
Concession East in Flamborough at a feeder.  

The PAINTED BUNTING was reported yesterday, it's been a tough week for this
bird but the feeder near the ravine is a good place to start.  Food is
always welcomed for the feeder. Location is on Arkendo Road in Oakville
which is one road west of Winston Churchill, south of Lakeshore Road.

The winter waterfowl count was last weekend.  Most of our wintering ducks
were seen at locations mostly on the west end of Lake Ontario as the bay
froze over the night before.  Highlights include a pair of American Wigeon
at the Desjardins Canal in Dundas and three Harlequin Ducks, a first winter
male at Bronte Harbour and a pair found at Gairloch Gardens in Oakville.
There seem to be a good number of American Coots wintering this year.  Other
observations made on the count include Iceland and Glaucous Gull and up to
10 Bald Eagles sitting on the ice out on the bay.  

In the odds and sods this week, there has been quite a stir at Olympic Woods
in Dundas as an interesting looking Yellow-rumped Warbler that may show
signs of hybridization with an Audubon's Warbler was seen with a couple
other Yellow-rumps at the suet put out on the trail there.  A pair of
Pileated Woodpeckers have also been seen at this locale.  Ruffed Grouse
continue to visit at a feeder in Flamborough on Westover Road north of
Concession 8 West. A Great Blue Heron was photographed along the shore at
VanWagners Beach in the week along with two Glaucous Gulls. Tenth Road East
in Saltfleet is a traditional spot for Short-eared Owls and this week up to
four have been seen flying over the quarry.  Northern Harrier, Red-tailed
and Rough-legged Hawk and Common Raven are birds reported in this vicinity.
It seems like the number of Rough-legged Hawks have increased over the month
with reports in Flamborough and in Saltfleet.  Up to six Tufted Titmice are
coming in to the feeders at Ruthven Conservation Area in the south of the
circle.  Eastern Bluebirds were seen yesterday along Locust Lane in Grimsby.
A small flock of Snow Buntings were seen on First Road East and Highland on
Thursday.  A female type Purple Finch was a good find actively coming to a
feeder right at the intersection of Pinetum/Hopkins trails accessed off York
Rd (park on the road)at the Royal Botanical Gardens.  Finally a small flock
of Common Redpolls were seen in some alders at the Northshore Trails at the
Royal Botanical Gardens and two were flyovers at the Windermere Basin last

That's the news for this week, keep your sightings coming.  This warm up
could move some birds around.

Good birding,
Cheryl Edgecombe

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