On Friday, December 07, 2012 this is the HNC Birding Report:


Snow Goose
Cackling Goose
Tundra Swan
American Wigeon
King Eider
Harlequin Duck
Red-throated Loon
Common Loon
Pied-billed Grebe
Red-necked Grebe
Great Blue Heron
Black-crowned Night Heron
Turkey Vulture
Northern Harrier
Golden Eagle
Peregrine Falcon
Sandhill Crane
Thayer's Gull
Lesser Black-backed Gull
Glaucous Gull
Northern Shrike
Winter Wren
Eastern Bluebird
Northern Mockingbird 
Swamp Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow
White-winged Crossbill
Common Redpoll
Pine Siskin
Evening Grosbeak

Winter listing began last Saturday and so far only one mega rarity but some
other good birds have been found with more showing every day.  I have
highlighted good winter birds at the top with the rarity this week being
CAVE SWALLOW.  Last week the warm push on Wednesday may have prompted a
movement of swallows with two Swallow sp (presumed Caves) being seen near
Green Road in Stoney Creek.  On Thursday, a single CAVE SWALLOW was seen in
flight at Bronte Harbour but continued heading west not to be relocated.  

Other good winter birds seen this week include a PURPLE SANDPIPER found on
the beach at Bronte Harbour on December 1st.  It was a one day wonder. Today
a RUBY-CROWNED KINGLET was seen at Sedgewick Park at the end of Hixon Road
in Oakville.  A single BOHEMIAN WAXWING was seen at Shell Park last Saturday
near the houses up the pipeline that leads to Rebecca. A COMMON YELLOWTHROAT
was seen today at Rattray Marsh. A FIELD SPARROW was seen last Saturday
along the Dofasco Trail in Saltfleet near 8th Road East.  Lastly a few HOARY
REDPOLLS have been seen this week in flocks of Common Redpolls, one in
Brantford, one and possible two at a feeder in Flamborough and one in a
weedy field near the Gryphon soccer pitch at University of Guelph.

As always waterfowl is a big part of winter listing here in the Hamilton
Area.  This week, a Snow Goose was seen with a group of Canada's up at the
quarry on Green Road between 10th and 11th Road East last Saturday.  A
Cackling Goose was seen at Van Wagner's beach in a group of Canada's during
strong east winds.  A total of 149 Tundra Swans were seen out in the Dundas
Marsh, five were seen at LaSalle Marina.  American Wigeon were present at
the Purple Sandpiper site Bronte Beach. The Harlequin Ducks at least two
males and a female continue to be seen at the end of Arkendo in Oakville.
Two immature King Eiders were still being seen from Sayers Park in Stoney
Creek. Two Red-throated Loons were present mid-week at the west end of the
harbour from Valley Inn and again from Princess Point.  Common Loons flew
past the Suncor Pier in Oakville Saturday and both species of loons were
seen on strong east winds at VanWagners Beach.  A Pied-billed Grebe has set
up winter shop at the Desjardins Canal again.  Another one was diving at the
east end of LaSalle Park on Sunday.  A Red-necked Grebe or two were seen in
Bronte Harbour. 

Winter finches are still about with White-winged Crossbills being seen up in
Guelph at Preservation Park, at a feeder in Oakville near Royal Albert Court
and in the Hendrie Valley.  Common Redpoll flocks seem to be growing in
numbers with a sizable flock being seen up until Thursday in South
Burlington in the Walkers Line and New Street Area and another group of 70
near Middletown Road and 5th Concession West in Flamborough.  Pine Siskins
are still being seen at feeders in Flamborough and Ancaster.  A single
Evening Grosbeak was a December 1st highlight near Slote Road.

In the odds and sods, Great Blue Herons (4) were seen in the Dundas Marsh.
At least 8 Black-crowned Night Herons were seen in the Red Hill Outlet off
Eastport.  A Turkey Vulture was seen at the side of the road at 403 near
Highway 6.  Two adult Bald Eagles flew over the restaurant at Puslinch Lake
earlier in the week. A Northern Harrier was seen over Bronte Campground East
today. An immature Northern Goshawk bombed through at King Street and Nash
Road in Stoney Creek.  A Golden Eagle was seen on East River Road in Paris
on Tuesday.  A Merlin was found in Woodland Cemetery last Saturday with
another one being seen at the QEW and Christie exit in Grimsby. Peregrine
Falcons have been seen quite a bit over the last week at the lift bridge and
along the west end of the lake and on the wave tower.  A Glaucous Gull was
seen flying past Canada Centre For Inland Waters and another at Bronte
Harbour.  At Puslinch Lake the ice has come in and gulls there include
Glaucous, Lesser Black-backed Gull and Thayer's Gull.  Sandhill Cranes were
on the move last Wednesday and Thursday with a flock of 50 being seen over
the Lilac Dell at the RBG on Wednesday and another large flock being seen
over Aberfoyle on Thursday. A Northern Shrike was seen chasing a Northern
Mockingbird today in Bronte Campground.  A Winter Wren was scolding away at
the end of Arkendo. Eastern Bluebirds have been reported in several places
including the RBG Arboretum and on Calfass Road in Morristown.  Swamp and
White-throated Sparrows are at the Valley Inn. 

Now is the time to scout out the nooks and crannies of your local patch to
look for winter goodies.  Pick a new place each time you go out!  Report
your sightings here.

Good birding,
Cheryl Edgecombe

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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