On Friday, January 30th, 2009 this is the HNC Birding Report:


American Wigeon

Ring-necked Duck

Pied-billed Grebe

Wild Turkey

Red-throated Loon

Turkey Vulture

Bald Eagle

Red-shouldered Hawk


Peregrine Falcon

Iceland Gull

Glaucous Gull

Eastern Screech Owl

Short-eared Owl

Horned Lark

Tufted Titmouse

Brown Creeper

Winter Wren

Carolina Wren

Eastern Bluebird

Brown Thrasher

Bohemian Waxwing

Cedar Waxwing

White-throated Sparrow

Common Grackle

Brown-headed Cowbird

Purple Finch

White-winged Crossbill

Common Redpoll

Hoary Redpoll

Pine Siskin


Its been a fairly quiet week here in Hamilton.  Winter marches on, more
snow, more cold makes winter listing a little more tedious.  However, a
couple of new prospects have turned up this week giving reason to go and
make the chase.  Yesterday a Brown Thrasher was reported coming into a
feeder in Mississauga.  Today a very accommodating Brown Thrasher was
showing well at the MacEwan Field Station just off Burnamthorpe west of
Mavis near the Credit River in Mississauga, quite a nice bird next to the
white snow.  Another good winter bird which turned up in the week was an
Eastern Towhee located in the Stoney Creek Ravine between Huckleberry Court
and Barton along the creek.  This protective ravine is a good place for
wintering birds to seek shelter.  Other birds seen here were Eastern Screech
Owl, Brown Creeper, Winter Wren and Carolina Wren.  The Red-shouldered Hawk
was seen last Sunday in the ravine south of Queenston and Lake at the end of
Galbraith in the ball fields there.

Down at the RBG Arboretum off Old Guelph Road, a number of birds continue to
be seen in the sheltered area at the bottom of the hill on the Northshore
Trail.  Last Saturday a single Bohemian Waxwing was seen along with Cedar
Waxwings eating from the berries.  Also seen in this area were
White-throated Sparrow, Purple Finch, Common Redpoll and Pine Siskin.  More
Cedar Waxwings were seen at the top of Valley Inn Road and the Common
Grackle also made an appearance there.


A trip down to Haldimand last Sunday was fairly quiet.  Two Snowy Owls were
seen in the fields down here in the south part of the Hamilton Study Area
and Short-eared Owls were reported from the Hagersville Area.  Brown-headed
Cowbirds were seen near Taquanyah Conservation area and at Nelles Corners.
Perhaps the most fruitful area was the feeders at Ruthven Park.  Here a Wild
Turkey grazed at the feeder along with Tufted Titmouse, Common Redpoll and
Pine Siskins.   


Winter finches continue to be reported throughout the area with Siskins and
Redpolls invading feeders everywhere.  There was a report of Hoary Redpoll
from the Dundas area this week.  White-winged Crossbills continue to be seen
although reports have slowed down.  There were some seen today at the corner
of Walker's Line and the North Service Road.


Out on the lake and in the bay, duck numbers and variety seem to be down
this year.   A pair of American Wigeon made an appearance on the ice at
LaSalle this week.  Two Red-throated Loons were seen at the Beach Canal on
the lake side earlier in the week.  Bald Eagles can be seen sitting on the
ice in the bay.  Iceland and Glaucous Gulls can also be seen out there.


Up in Saltfleet a Snowy Owl continues to be seen around the 8th Road East
and Mud Street Area.  Also here, a large flock of Snow Buntings seem to
gravitate to the large hay bales located at 8th Road East and Highland Road.
Horned Larks seem to be on the increase on the roadsides up here.


In the odds and sods, Eastern Bluebirds and Snow Buntings were seen at
Bronte Creek Provincial Park.  Two Wild Turkey were seen at Van Wagners
Ponds on Saturday, a rather odd place for these birds.  Turkey Vultures are
still being seen at the Waterdown Garden Supply property on Hwy 5 just west
of Peter's Corners for those winter listing.  The Peregrine Falcons are
being seen more regularly around the lift bridge perhaps a sign that they
will make this a nesting site again this year although with a different male
bird present now.  A Pied-billed Grebe and Ring-necked Ducks are present in
the Desjardins Canal and another wintering Merlin was seen in Dundas.


Birds are moving about constantly so please report your sightings.  Thanks
to those who have kept me informed of their feeder birds.


Good birding,

Cheryl Edgecombe

HNC Hotline




ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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