Hi Ont Birders; Tuesday around 2:00 just as the higher winds and rain
where whisking towards Kincardine I went down to Horton Point for a bit of a
lake watch. I soon latched on to a short-eared owl way out over the water
and working its way south. It put up with constant harassing gulls and when
the owl eventually tried to land  it was warded off by crows before it could
even get settled. Next out of nowhere wheeled two falcons one flashed by but
the other landed on the bare stone beach. Black facial markings and size
showed it to be a peregrine. Moments later 5 swallows of the buffy rump type
darted  over the wave tops to disappear to quickly to be properly identify.
The Harlequin and Cackling geese where near shore amongst hundreds of
Canadas and mallards. The more you look the more you see.Cheers James
 Directions; Kincardine is on lake Huron at the junction of highways 9 and
21 .Heading north on Queen st(main st Kincardine)Turn west on Kingsway st.
Park at lake and use stair overpass as your viewing place. Cheers James
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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