
    Today May 9th, My Father and I found an Adult Male Harris's Sparrow at Long 
Point. It was seen on Hastings Drive, near cottage
#29. We first found it around 4:45pm, but we saw it again at 7pm with a group 
of White-throated and White-crowned Sparrows.

    Other Highlights:

Long Point Provincial Park: Yellow-throated Vireo, An adult Peregrine Falcon, 
White-eyed Vireo, 4 Blue-winged Warblers, 6 Northern
Parula's, a Whip-poor-will, 2 Cape May Warblers, Rusty Blackbirds, among 
countless other birds.

Old Cut: another Blue-winged Warbler, Cape May Warbler, two Northern Parula, 
two White-eyed Vireo's, Bay-breasted Warbler, etc.

Hastings Drive: Northern Parula, our only Philadelphia Vireo, Sora, Sandhill 
Crane, Bay-Breasted Warbler, etc.

There were many birds all across Long Point today, we ended the day with 19 
species of Warbler, and we missed others that were

Good Birding

Brandon and Eric Holden

DIRECTIONS (from Stu):

To reach Long Point take Hwy # 59 south from the 401 until you reach the point,
or any other back way you may have from whereever you may be.

Hastings Drive can be found by following #59 south through along the causeway 
through Big Creek Marsh. Once past, you hit the
Lake-side of the point. Instead of following the road left, turn right onto 
Hastings Drive and follow the road.

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