Holiday Beach Conservation Area
Amherstburg, Ontario, Canada
Daily Raptor Counts: Dec 06, 2015

Species            Day's Count    Month Total   Season Total
------------------ ----------- -------------- --------------
Turkey Vulture               0              2          51147
Osprey                       0              0             83
Bald Eagle                   0              4            211
Northern Harrier             1              3            885
Sharp-shinned Hawk           0              1           8283
Cooper's Hawk                1              1            224
Northern Goshawk             0              0              4
Red-shouldered Hawk          0             12            507
Broad-winged Hawk            0              0          16636
Red-tailed Hawk              7             93           3039
Rough-legged Hawk            0              1             27
Golden Eagle                 0              0             56
American Kestrel             0              0           1521
Merlin                       0              0             64
Peregrine Falcon             0              0             52
Unknown Accipiter            0              0             22
Unknown Buteo                0              0            107
Unknown Eagle                0              0              0
Unknown Falcon               0              0              3
Unknown Raptor               0              0             24
Swainson's Hawk              0              0              1

Total:                       9            117          82896

Observation start time: 07:45:00 
Observation end   time: 14:45:00 
Total observation time: 7 hours

Official Counter:        Jeremy Hatt

Observers:        Kory Renaud, Marianne Balkwill

A few visitors came up the tower in the afternoon when the fog cleared.
Many thanks to Marianne for providing company on a slow day for hawk

A foggy morning with low visibility. The fog eventually started to break up
around noon. Temperatures ranged from 1.7C to 5.6C by mid-afternoon. Winds
under 5km/h were out of the south all day. Cloud cover was 100% for the
majority of the day until the fog left in the afternoon and the sun shone
through, warming things considerably. 

Raptor Observations:
A slow morning w/ no raptors observed until the first Red-tailed Hawk flew
by just after 11:00am. With the fog lifting and conditions warming, a few
more Red-tailed Hawks migrated by mostly between 12 and 1p.m. (7 total). An
immature Northern Harrier and an immature Cooper's Hawk also flew past. Two
resident Bald Eagles were seen around the marsh as well. 

Non-raptor Observations:
W/ the milder temperatures, the marsh continues to hold a good diversity of
ducks and other water birds. Mallards and American Coots are present in the
highest numbers w/ over 300 of each. Gadwall, American Wigeon, American
Black Duck, Mallard, Northern Shoveler, Northern Pintail, Green-winged
Teal, Canvasback, Ring-necked Duck, Lesser Scaup, Red-breasted Merganser,
and Ruddy Duck are all still present. 5 Pied-billed Grebes and a single
Double-crested Cormorant were also spotted. 

Songbirds migrating today included 37 Horned Larks, 6 Eastern Bluebirds, 2
American Robins, 27 European Starlings, 32 Cedar Waxwings, 497 Red-winged
Blackbirds, 1 Rusty Blackbird, 1 Common Grackle, 24 Brown-headed Cowbirds,
4 House Finches, and 205 American Goldfinches. 

The Winter Wren and two Swamp Sparrows are still present around the base of
the tower along w/ Black-capped Chickadees, American Tree Sparrows,
Northern Cardinals, and a White-breasted Nuthatch. 

See full day list:

Another foggy morning is predicted but the sun will appear in the
afternoon. Temperatures ranging from 1-6C. Winds under 5km/h out of the
north in the morning then switching to east then south by the late
Report submitted by Jeremy Hatt (
Holiday Beach Conservation Area information may be found at:

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