The 15th annual Huntsville Christmas Bird
Count was held on Tuesday, December 16.
There were a few flurries in the morning,
but birding conditions were good. Fairy
and Mary Lakes had much open water, and
the Muskoka River was open. Knee-deep
snow made off-road travel difficult.

Total Species: 41 (average is 38)
Total Individuals: 6.030 (NEW HIGH;
average is 2,908)

Record highs were set for 9 species.
Previous highs are shown in parentheses.

Long-tailed Duck: 4 (2)
Wild Turkey: 64 (55)
Bald Eagle: 3 (2)
Downy Woodpecker: 49 (43)
Pileated Woodpecker: 14 (13)
Blue Jay: 680 (416)
Brown Creeper: 15 (11)
Bohemian Waxwing: 628 (361)
White-winged Crossbill: 764 (49)

New Species for the Count:

Northern Shoveler: male on Muskoka
River in Huntsville with Mallards and Blacks.

Unusual Species for the Count:

Ring-necked Duck: female on river in Huntsville.


Pine Grosbeak: 10
White-winged Crossbill: 764
Common Redpoll: 370
Pine Siskin: 327
American Goldfinch: 203
Evening Grosbeak: 9

Ron Tozer
Huntsville CBC Compiler


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