Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) maintains records in a 50km radius of
MacDonald Park, Kingston. Birders already using eBird are encouraged to
share their sightings with 'Kingston FN'. Alternatively, please email, phone
or post records directly to me - contact details below. Please note that
some sightings may require review and remain unconfirmed unless stated



A shift back to warmer weather hasn't really put a stop to the passerine
migrants coming through but, unfortunately, nothing notable has been seen.
Highlights of the week include FORSTER'S TERN, and AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVER.



Kingston's Inner Harbour has seen as many as 11 'early' REDHEAD this week,
seen at Lilla Burke Park on 18th. Five AMERICAN COOT, also early, were seen
at Doug Fluhrer Park on 15th. A BLACK-BELLIED PLOVER was seen flying
downstream on 18th. Two YELLOW-BELLIED FLYCATCHERS were seen at Marshlands
CA on 15th.


Wolfe Island

Big Sandy Bay has again been the spot for migrant warblers, with CANADA
WARBLER, 2 WILSON'S WARBLERS and 5 NORTHERN PARULA seen there on 16th. Also
present were a couple of GREY-CHEEKED THRUSHES and 8 SWAINSON'S THRUSHES.


Other sightings

The first GOLDEN-CROWNED and RUBY-CROWNED KINGLETS were seen this week
(14th) near Verona where a WINTER WREN was noted on 16th. An EASTERN
WHIP-POOR-WILL was still calling at Bedford Mills on 17th. A flock of 19
AMERICAN GOLDEN PLOVERS was seen on CR 8, between Bath and Napanee on 13th.
And finally, a FORSTER'S TERN was seen stateside, at Robert G. Wehle State
Park, Jefferson County, NY on 13th.


Please note that the ferry situation continues in our area and the expected
return date of the Wolfe Islander is now 'unknown'. This means that the
Wolfe Island, Amherst Island and Glenora ferries continue be at half
capacity. Also, in case you missed the news, Amherstview Sewage Lagoons is
currently closed to all access - hopefully reopening in October.


In order to minimise disturbance to wildlife and property, Kingston Field
Naturalists has adopted the KFN Sensitive Sightings Policy
pdf> . Also note that, as requested by the landowners, sightings of owls at
the privately-owned Owl Woods must not be distributed on the Internet (this
includes posting as 'Amherst Island' on eBird) by KFN or anyone who visits.
To ensure continued access to this location, please respect their wishes and
follow the guidelines posted on-site. To maintain records for conservation
purposes, sightings from that location are welcomed through all the
traditional channels.


As always, thanks to all those who have submitted sightings over the last




Mark D. Read

337 Button Bay Road,

Wolfe Island,

Kingston, Ontario

K0H 2Y0



Mobile: +1 (613) 217-1246

Home: +1 (613) 385-1651


Blog: "Confessions of a Global Birder"



eBird Guidelines for Reporting Sensitive Species


ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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