Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) maintains records in a 50km radius of
MacDonald Park, Kingston. Birders already using eBird are encouraged to
share their sightings with 'Kingston FN'. Alternatively, please email, phone
or post records directly to me - contact details below. Please note that
some sightings may require review and remain unconfirmed unless stated



As we slip into March, and with the promise of southerly winds and something
other than minus temperatures on the cards, the first genuine migrant has
arrived - a Killdeer. Other than that, the list of highlights is little
changed from last week and includes; WOOD DUCK, WHITE-WINGED SCOTER,


City of Kingston

The 'Tett Centre' CAROLINA WREN was seen again this week on a couple of
dates and is no doubt doing the rounds of local feeders. Just one of the
resident PEREGRINE FALCONS has been seen this week, on 5th. A slight
increase in waterfowl has been noted, with increasing numbers of GREATER
SCAUP, LONG-TAILED DUCK and COMMON GOLDENEYE in the ferry channel. An adult
male SNOWY OWL was seen hunting waterfowl along the channel directly in
front of City Hall on 6th. At Little Cataraqui Creek CA, a HERMIT THRUSH was
seen on consecutive days (28th and 1st) by different observers. Bohemian
Waxwings were seen at Lemoine Point CA on 28th and a NORTHERN FLICKER was
seen there on 3rd. A possible Northern Goshawk was reported there this
morning (6th).


Wolfe Island

HORNED LARK numbers fluctuate but are generally on the low side. However, 50
were seen on 4th. LAPLAND LONGSPURS have reappeared after a brief absence
and were seen on several dates this week, with 7 being seen on 4th. Twelve
SNOWY OWLS were counted on the 5th and at least 3 different birds have been
seen on the ferry crossing this week. The 2 RING-NECKED PHEASANTS seen on
28th are the first for several months.


Amherst Island

A KILLDEER was first heard, then seen on the island on 4th; the first
genuine spring migrant this year. ROUGH-LEGGED HAWKS and SNOWY OWLS continue
to be seen in dwindling numbers with just 2 of each seen on 4th.


Other sightings

The male WOOD DUCK continues at Springside Park in Napanee and the male
WHITE-WINGED SCOTER seen inland at Chaffey's Locks also continues. An adult
NORTHERN GOSHAWK was seen at Hay Bay on 3rd and at Moscow, 2 RUSTY
BLACKBIRDS were seen on the same date. A NORTHERN SAW-WHET OWL was found
sheltering in a shed near Camden East on 4th but has not been seen since.
Near Sunbury, 2-3 HOARY REDPOLLS continue to visit a local feeder and, in
the same area, a small flock of BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS were seen on 3rd. Another
immature GOLDEN EAGLE was seen this week; this one on Perth Road near the
intersection with Opinicon Road. Photos appear to show a different bird to
that reported last week. The Howe Island RUSTY BLACKBIRDS have again been
reported this week with 10 seen on 1st. Another continues near Gananoque.
And finally, 2 TUFTED TITMICE were seen across the border near Watertown on


In order to minimise disturbance to wildlife and property, Kingston Field
Naturalists has adopted the KFN Sensitive Sightings Policy
pdf> . Also note that, as requested by the landowners, sightings of owls at
the privately-owned Owl Woods must not be distributed on the Internet (this
includes posting as 'Amherst Island' on eBird) by KFN or anyone who visits.
To ensure continued access to this location, please respect their wishes and
follow the guidelines posted on-site. To maintain records for conservation
purposes, sightings from that location are welcomed through all the
traditional channels.


As always, thanks to all those who have submitted sightings over the last




Mark D. Read

47 Ellerbeck Street, Unit 1,

Kingston, Ontario

K7L 4H5



Mobile: +1 (613) 217-1246


Blog: "Confessions of a Global Birder"



eBird Guidelines for Reporting Sensitive Species


ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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