Kingston Field Naturalists (KFN) maintains records in a 50km radius of
MacDonald Park, Kingston. Birders using eBird are encouraged to share their
sightings with 'Kingston FN'. Alternatively, please email or post records
directly to me - contact details below. Please note that some sightings may
require review and remain unconfirmed unless stated otherwise.



After a good melt earlier in the week, temperatures have dropped again with
many waterways once again freezing up. Strong winds mid-week kept many of
the birds down too but fantastic conditions on 1st and 2nd ensured many
birders got out early to get their year lists going. I'm sticking with the
summary format rather than the sectioned waffle - comments are appreciated.


GREATER WHITE-FRONTED GOOSE - A continuing single bird was seen on the Bath
waterfront on both 4th and 5th.

SNOW GOOSE - birds were seen at Marysville (1), Wolfe Island on 1st,
Millhaven (1) on 1st, Bath waterfront (1-2) from 2nd-6th, and Reed's Bay
(2), Wolfe Island on 6th.

CACKLING GOOSE - 2 birds were seen at Cataraqui Bay on 1st, 2 more were at
Lansdowne dump on 4th and 1 was at Bath on 5th.

WOOD DUCK - a male continues to be seen at Napanee Springside Park, Napanee.

NORTHERN SHOVELER - a single male was seen at Portsmouth Olympic Harbour
today (6th).

NORTHERN PINTAIL - a male was found at Collin's Bay on 1st. Presumably the
same bird was seen at the nearby Hillview Pond on 5th.

CANVASBACK - an elusive male has been seen on-and-off all week at Cataraqui
Bay, Kingston.

HARLEQUIN DUCK - The 2 females continue to be seen with ease in the area of
Portsmouth Olympic Harbour.

BLACK SCOTER - 2 were seen at Prince Edward Point on 2nd.

RUDDY DUCK - 2 birds were present at Cataraqui Bay on 1st.

COMMON LOON - singles on the Wolfe Island ferry on 2nd, Cataraqui bay on 3rd
and Portsmouth Olympic Harbour, also on 3rd.

PIED-BILLED GREBE - a single bird was seen at Doug Fluhrer Park on 1st, with
another at Parrott's Bay on 3rd.

HORNED GREBE - 1 was seen at Prince Edward Point on 1st, with 2 there on

RED-NECKED GREBE = 1 at Bath Heritage Park on 1st, and 1 at Prince Edward
Point on 2nd.

DOUBLE-CRESTED CORMORANT - 2 birds were at Collin's Bay on 2nd with 1 still
there on 4th. Another was at Portsmouth Olympic Harbour on 3rd.

TURKEY VULTURE - a lone bird was seen at Prince Edward Point on 2nd.

KILLDEER - a great winter find was a bird seen at Heritage Point Park, Bath
on 1st-2nd.

ICELAND GULL - 2 separate birds have been seen in Kingston - 1 is regular at
Doug Fluhrer Park, with another seen at Collin's Bay on 5th. A probable
Thayer's Gull was seen there on 5th.

GLAUCOUS GULL - As many as 3 different birds are present at Heritage Point,

SNOWY OWL - several birds (minimum 9) continue on Wolfe Island with a couple
also present on Amherst Island.

GYRFALCON - a dark bird was a surprise find over Kingston on 31st December.

TUFTED TITMOUSE - birds continued at Gananoque (1) all week, and were also
seen (1-2) at Belle Island, Kingston on 31st and 2nd. 

HERMIT THRUSH - 1 was seen at Marshland CA on 5th.

NORTHERN MOCKINGBIRD - a single bird on the east end of Wolfe Island on 2nd.

SWAMP SPARROW - 2 birds were seen at Big Sandy Bay, Wolfe Island today

RED-WINGED BLACKBIRDS - 1-2 birds continue to be seen at a feeder opposite
Marshlands CA, Kingston.

COMMON GRACKLE - the Gananoque bird was last seen on 31st.

PINE SISKIN - A single bird continues to frequent a feeder at Sydenham.


In order to minimise disturbance to wildlife and property, Kingston Field
Naturalists has adopted the KFN Sensitive Sightings Policy. Also note that,
as requested by the landowners, sightings of owls at the privately-owned Owl
Woods must not be shared on the Internet (this includes posting as 'Amherst
Island' on eBird) by KFN or anyone who visits. To ensure continued access to
this location, please respect their wishes and follow the guidelines posted
on-site. To maintain records for conservation purposes, sightings from that
location are welcomed through all the traditional channels.


As always, a big thank you goes to all who have submitted sightings over the
last week.




Mark D. Read

337 Button Bay Road,

Wolfe Island,

Kingston, Ontario

K0H 2Y0



Mobile: +1 (613) 217-1246

Home: +1 (613) 385-1651


Blog: "Confessions of a Global Birder"



eBird Guidelines for Reporting Sensitive Species


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provincial birding organization.
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