The Kingston Field Naturalists did their annual fall round-up last weekend. It 
turned out to be mainly waterfowl viewing as land birds were relatively scarce. 
The largest concentrations of ducks and geese were in the Cataraqui River near 
Belle Island (several Ruddy Ducks), Elevator Bay (a pair of Surf Scoters) and 
the sewage lagoons; no unusual ducks but dozens of Bonaparte's Gulls and a 
surprising eight species of shorebird. Amherst and Wolfe Islands as well as Hay 
Bay contributed to the total. The waters off Prince Edward Point had lots of 
Long-tailed Ducks, Red-breasted Mergansers and Horned Grebes.
This week's sightings suggest that we are moving into winter despite the 
weather. There were 161 common Goldeneye on Lake Opinicon on Tuesday and 3 
Double-crested Cormorants at RMC yesterday. Two Bald Eagles were at the Queen's 
Biological Staion (QUBS) on Monday and the almost full moon prompted a Great 
Horned Owl to call near Glenburnie on Tuesday and an E. Screech Owl near 
Sydenham on Wednesday. Snow Buntings were reported along the Florida Road and 
at RMC this week. There was a small group of White-winged Crossbills at Lemoine 
Point last Friday and Pine Siskins seem to be moving through with 34 at QUBS on 
Tuesday and another 6 today. The odd Purple Finch is showing up at feeders and 
the Red-bellied Woodpecker has returned to the Elginburg feeder.
Peter Good
Kingston Field Naturalist
613 378-6605                                      
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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