Hello Ontbirders and OFO members,

Intending to join an OFO field trip advertised for today 
http://www.ofo.ca/site/Tripsupcoming I arrived at the meeting place in 
Casselman ~ 7:50 AM, and by ~ 8:05 realized something was not happening. 
Fortunately another prospective participant arrived & asked if I was there for 
the OFO trip to Larose forest and I said yes but was beginning to wonder if 
there was an error as nobody else was here. He (Brian) kindly provided Jacques 
Bouvier's phone # listed on the OFO News field trips insert. I called Jacques 
and he told me that the trip was YESTERDAY, but nobody showed up!.....Another 
birder (Peter) who showed up this morning said he checked the website and there 
were no changes to the date on the website. I had also checked the website 
before leaving home this morning. Then another birder (Paul) -- who I now 
realized had been sitting in his car next to me at the meeting place since my 
arrival -- approached us & we explained that there seemed to have been some 
mistake re: the date.

In any case Jacques apologized for the confusion and said he would look into 
this....and Peter, Brian & I decided to go ahead to the forest ourselves. Paul 
re-joined us later along Bertrand Rd. after taking a different route into the 

As it turned out, we had a great time. Perfect weather, bugs that bugged a bit 
but did not bite, and some very enjoyable birding from approx. 8:30 - 11:00 AM

Several roadside stops along Bertrand, Clarence-Cambridge and Grant Rds. 
yielded 38 species our impromptu group, mostly heard, but some nice looks at a 
few of the highlights.

Highlights included:

- a pair of very vocal Broad-winged Hawks soaring and circling overhead
- many Alder Flycatchers, a few showing off (always nice to "see" them singing)
- Blue-headed Vireos singing on territory at 2 locations (Bertrand Rd. and 
Grant Rd.)
- a family of Common Ravens, with raucous young'uns
- several vocal Golden-crowned Kinglets, Veeries, Hermit Thrushes & Scarlet 
- 10 spp. breeding warblers including at least 2 Cape May singing on territory 
(Bertrand Rd., great looks at a male carrying food); nice looks at singing Pine 
and Yellow-rumped; 1 singing Canada (heard only, Bertrand Rd.)

Not a lot of butterflies along the main roads, but we did see a few common 
species: Hobomok Skipper, Northern Crescent, Canadian Tiger Swallowtail, and 
another species that I ID'd after checking field guide @ home -- not a Crescent 
but a Silvery Checkerspot (I'm rusty after the long winter).

Dragonflies were busy snapping up the mosquitoes, deerflies & horseflies 
(which, surprisingly did not bite us -- at least not me!). All were common 
species -- Chalk-fronted Corporal, Four-spotted Skimmer & Dot-tailed Whiteface.

I'm sorry that nobody attended Jacques' excursion yesterday, but I'm not sorry 
I joined Brian, Peter & Paul to "wing it" on our own (though I do apologize for 
not acquiring their surnames). Fine gentlemen all, very pleasant & enthusiastic 
company. Thanks guys, I personally had a lot of fun!

Chris Lewis
Ottawa, ON

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birding organization.
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