Seen this Saturday morning about 8:30-9:30, north of Belleville and south of 
Madoc, near the village of Ivanhoe.I took some extra time at the site to look 
for Golden-winged Warblers, but did not see any, so your visit should not 
effect that species listed as Special Concern in Ontario
Photo link
This appears to be only the second ebird siting of Lawernce's Warbler in 
Ontario (and Canada) for 2015.
Ebird list with map,
>From HWY 401 in Belleville, go north on HWY 62 for 29 km, turn left(west) on 
>Wood Road and travel 3km.  Then left (south) on Twiddy Road and travel 100 
>meters.  The bird was singing with a dididididi-zii, but responded to GWWA 
Local birders know me as a rather slow responder to emails.  These photos can 
be republished without permission.
Hastings County - "We're Mostly Harmless"
Tom Wheatley                                      
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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