At Reesor Pond this am, in the wake of yesterday's flock of 28 Greater and 
Lesser Yellowlegs,
none of which remained, 1 Semi-palmated Plover - year's 1st - had arrived while 
1 Dunlin and
4 Pectoral Sandpipers were also found.
Among the gulls, one stood out. Simiiar to a summer adult Herring Gull but 
darkeyed, darker
backed, goyns spot dark red, legs flesh colored, no black seen while the bird 
was in flight
though while at rest, faint gray markings outlined the tips of the primaries. 
An adult Thayer's
Gull seemed the best fit.
Notes re a trip to locales on May 1st : notable among the many species seen 
were a pair of
Virginia Rails that showed at the south platform off Hall's Road while the 2 
Harlequin Ducks
last reported about 2 weeks in the bay south of Gordon's Road in Whitby were 
seen close
inshore - fab foto ops - and at Thickson Woods 1 Blue-headed Vireo plus 1 
Blue male and 1 Black-and-white warblers were added to the list reported by 

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birding organization.
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