Friends of Point Pelee provide guided birding hikes throughout the Festival
of Birds at Point Pelee National Park of Canada. Proceeds from hikes support
the Friends of Point Pelee and Point Pelee National Park. This submitted
report is a service of the FoPP Hike Leaders.

May 11, 2009

Another great day to be at Point Pelee birding. Weather was good for getting
out with a good number of birds at low levels affording great views.

The best birds reported so far were a *Mississippi Kite* seen twice near
DeLaurier Homestead and a *LeConte’s Sparrow* at the Tip.

Also at the tip a *Summer Tanager* was reported, and a late *Winter Wren*.

Several *White-winged Scoter* and *Surf Scoter* were reported flying by. An
*E. Bluebird* was seen near the Solar Panel at the Tip.

Along the road to the Tip, a *Hooded Warbler* was reported.

Along the Post Woods Seasonal Trail, people located a *Golden-winged Warbler

*White-eyed Vireo* continue to be reported from many areas of the Park.

At the north end of the North-west Picnic Parking Lot, a *Yellow-breasted
Chat* was found.

Besides the Kite, several raptors have been reported including Red-tailed,
Broad-winged and Northern Harrier. A *N. Goshawk* was reported along the
West side of the Park between the Centre and the Point.

Many species of warbler have been reported from various locations in the
Park. So far, Tilden Woods and the Woodland Nature Trail have been the best

In Tilden Woods, a *Canada**, Blue-winged *and *Orange-crowned Warbler* were
the highlights and as well *Northern Waterthrush*.

In the Woodland Nature Trail, *Canada**, Bay-breasted and Parula*.

Several *Gray-cheeked Thrushes* have been seen as well.

Along the Shuster Trail, a *Mourning Warbler and a Yellow-bellied Flycatcher

>From Dunes Picnic area, *Orange**-crowned and Cape May Warblers*. A *Red-headed
Woodpecker* was seen flying south.

A *N. Mockingbird* was noted at Pioneer and later near the tip.

Good Birding,

Hike Leaders Pete, Karl, Dave, Justin, Todd and Marianne


Janice Rogers, G.M.
Friends of Point Pelee
Our Point is Pelee

1118 Point Pelee Drive
Leamington, ON N8H 3V4
519-326-6173 P
519-326-7925 F
888-707-3533 Toll Free
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
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