North Bay Christmas Bird Count, December 14, 2019 - Preliminary Results


Abundant or Increased Counts: Red Breasted Nuthatches,Blue Jays, American
Crows and European Starlings each tripled their last year totals; American
Tree Sparrows were well counted and American Goldfinch numerous.


Specialty and Not Expected Birds Observed: 1 Bufflehead, 1 Sharp-shinned
Hawk; 2 Barred Owl; 1 Northern Shrike; 1 Brown Creeper; 6 American Robin; 15
Cedar Waxwing; 1 Northern Cardinal; 6 Common Grackle  


High Count: broken by Bald Eagle; - 23


Misses: Rough-legged Hawk - 0; Canada Jay - 0; Kinglet - 0; Bohemian Waxwing
- 0; Snow Bunting - 0; Pine Grosbeak - 0; Crossbill - 0; Redpoll - 0;
Evening Grosbeak - 0 


Count Week Species: Peregrine Falcon, Wild Turkey.


Totals: 35 species and 3135 individuals.


Lori Anderson, Compiler



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