Another great weather day greeted 27 of us today at Lynde Shores CA. 

Although the fall migration hasn't yet started in earnest, we still managed
61 species seen or heard by most.


We had a few songbirds - Yellow Warbler, Blue-gray Gnatcatcher,
Black-and-white Warbler, American Redstart, Baltimore Oriole, Rose-breasted
Grosbeak, Red-eyed and Warbling Vireo plus a few flycatchers - Eastern
Pewee, Eastern Kingbird, and Willow Flycatcher plus a few Traill's.


Cranberry Marsh was productive. Wood Ducks, Gadwall, Green-winged Teal,
Common Gallinule, Barn Swallow, Chimney Swift, Caspian and Common Tern,
Great Egret, Great Blue Heron, Green Heron, Black-crowned Night Heron and
Marsh Wren but the only shorebirds were Lesser Yellowlegs, Killdeer and
Spotted Sandpiper. 


We did have some raptors - Osprey, Northern Harrier, and Red-tailed Hawk -
probably all locals.


There were also a few butterflies seen - eight species including 11



John Stirrat and Rayfield Pye 



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