Despite the fact that Presqu'ile Provincial Park was officially closed, our 
small group of 5 birders enjoyed the beautiful weather and 88 bird species 

At the residential area of the park, we found a few warblers including 
Black-throated Green, Blackburnian and American Redstart.

Several Orchard Orioles were viewed .

Other highlights included both Cuckoo species, Great Egret, Merlin, Caspian, 
Forster's and Common terns, Great Black-backed Gull, 7 shorebird species 
:Spotted Sandpiper, Killdeer, Sanderling, Black-bellied Plover, Dunlin, Ruddy 
Turnstone and a late Greater Yellowlegs near Garden Hill.

On Trent Valley Road we had great looks at Vesper, Grasshopper and Field 
sparrows, plus Eastern Meadowlark.

5 species of swallow included a good number of Purple Martins at Presqu'ile.

Many thanks to Doug McRae and Bill Gilmour for their generosity and willingness 
to invite us onto their property to view birds today.

Dave Milsom

Matthew Tobey


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