Dear Ontbirds subscribers and OFO members,

The Ontario Bird Records Committee (OBRC) will be holding its Annual General 
Meeting on Sunday, April 8. The OBRC meets in-person once per year at the AGM, 
where items up for discussion include the review and final voting on records 
submitted by the Ontario birding community, a review of the review lists 
previously identified by past committees (, and the 
election of new OBRC members.

To provide clarity, I will explain the process determining how individuals are 
voted onto the OBRC. Any OFO member in good standing can nominate another OFO 
member, including themselves, to the committee. Each OFO member is limited in 
that they are allowed to nominate only one person. At the AGM all of the 
nominees are announced. Each currently serving member of the committee votes 
privately and ranks each of the nominees in the order that they think would 
best serve on the committee. The rankings are then tallied up based on 
everyone’s votes. Following the AGM, the Chair will contact the candidates 
regarding willingness to serve, in order of ranking, until willing candidates 
for each vacancy have been obtained. The main criteria for selecting suitable 
candidates are that the individual demonstrates an expert knowledge of the 
field identification of birds, and is a member in good standing with OFO. The 
full process is noted in the OBRC Operating Guidelines, found at

In the past, only currently serving OBRC members were permitted to nominate 
individuals; however this rule was changed four years ago. Now the nomination 
process has been opened up to any and all OFO members. It is up to the Ontario 
birding community to ensure that suitable candidates are put forward as 
nominees, since the committee members can only select the new members based on 
the pool of nominees that are provided.

The OBRC looks to the Ontario birding community for comments, suggestions, and 
critique. The OBRC will be nominating 2 new members to 3 year terms, commencing 
this year. The OBRC at this time would welcome nominations from OFO members for 
people to serve on the OBRC. Nominees should be OFO members in good standing, 
be actively engaged in the Ontario birding community, and positively support 
the OBRC by submitting rare bird reports. Ideally, nominations will include a 
few sentences of text providing justification why they believe that this 
nominee is well suited to serve on the committee.

Additionally, the OBRC would welcome any nominations for additions/deletions to 
the current OBRC review lists (for all zones and subspecies). In general, 
species are on the review list if they have fewer than 20 records in 5 years 
for that review zone.

Nominations for OBRC members and additions/deletions to the review list are 
required by April 7, 2018. All communication should be directed to 
obrcsecretary at

Kind regards,

Josh Vandermeulen
OBRC Chair
joshvandermeulen at

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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