Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club
Ottawa/Gatineau (50 Km radius from Parliament Hill) E. Ontario, W. Quebec
Compiler:  Gregory Zbitnew at

January 26, 2017

There were 2 highlights this week. 2 TRUMPETER SWANS were in Carleton Place
on the 22nd, and 3 WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILLS were on MacLaren’s Sideroad on
the 21st.  However, by and large, there was very little change from the
previous week.

Weather this week generally had above seasonal temperatures, and not much
precipitation, so it was fairly easy on the remaining birds and for birders
looking for them.

The uncommon overwintering DUCKS continued this week again-HARLEQUIN DUCK
at Hurdman , BUFFLEHEAD at Bate Island, WOOD DUCK and AMERICAN WIGEON at
Billings Bridge, and NORTHERN PINTAIL on Iber Road.  Joining them, a
RED-BREASTED MERGANSER, rare at this time year, has made occasional
appearances on the Rideau River from Hurdman to Carleton University.

Other notable sightings this week included:

1.       2 GOLDEN EAGLES were seen from Steele Line Road on the 26th.

2.       9 GRAY PARTRIDGE were in the Cope Drive area on the 21st.

3.       Multiple sightings of both NORTHERN FLICKER and RED-BELLIED
WOODPECKER continue in the region.

4.       4 EASTERN BLUEBIRDS are sometimes seen in the Morgan’s Grant area
of Kanata, most recently on the 23rd.

5.       TUFTED TITMOUSE is still being seen in Quyon and Fitzroy Harbour.

6.       CAROLINA WREN is still semi-regular in the Carlington area and
Carleton Place.

7.       Up to 2 CHIPPING SPARROWS continue at a feeder in Carleton Place
as late as  the 24th.

8.       A FOX SPARROW continues at a feeder in the Meadowlands Drive area
as of the 26th.

9.       A BROWN-HEADED COWBIRD was in Aylmer on the 21st.

10.   A PURPLE FINCH was in Constance Bay on the 24th.

11.   2 PINE GROSBEAK were in Carp on the 20th.

The OFNC's Birds Committee no longer reports owl sightings on the Internet.
We will continue to encourage the reporting of owls to
for the purpose of maintaining local records.

Thanks to everyone who contributed bird observations. We encourage everyone
to report their bird sightings on eBird for the benefit of the entire
birding community.

Good birding.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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