[Ontbirds] Ottawa - Buff-breasted Sandpiper

2012-08-31 Thread Anouk Hoedeman
The juvenile BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER was still hanging around this afternoon on the mud flats between Ottawa Beach and Britannia Pier. It was quite cooperative, wandering close enough for great looks. I last saw it at 3 p.m. right at the bottom of Scrivens, foraging with a flock of Semipalmated

[Ontbirds] Ottawa - Buff-breasted Sandpiper

2012-08-30 Thread Patrick Blake
This afternoon the BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER first reported by Richard Waters near Britannia Beach was present between 2-3pm. I first located it in a wet grassy area to the west of the rocky shoal foraging with SEMIPALMATED PLOVERS; later it flew closer to the pier at Britannia Beach and move

[Ontbirds] Ottawa: Buff-breasted Sandpiper

2012-08-22 Thread Bruce Di Labio
Hi Everyone The Buff-breasted Sandpiper was still present this morning at Shirley's Bay. The bird spent most of its time feeding along the dry vegetated area closer to cattails. A total of 14 species of shorebirds were observed including 1 juvenile Stilt Sandpiper, and 1 juv. Baird's Sandpiper.

[Ontbirds] Ottawa - Buff-breasted Sandpiper

2010-09-09 Thread KILLEEN
Hi Ontbirders Mike Tate and I refound the Buff-breasted Sandpiper this evening at approx. 6:45 pm.  It was located along the point at Ottawa Beach, just east of Andrew Haydon Park.  It was observed feeding, at close range, for approx. 15 minutes before taking off in an unknown direction. good

[Ontbirds] Ottawa - Buff-breasted Sandpiper

2010-09-09 Thread Patrick Blake
This afternoon (1:30-2:30pm) a juvenile BUFF-BREASTED SANDPIPER was feeding east of Andrew Haydon Park. Other shorebirds included a single LEAST SANDPIPER and five SANDERLINGS. I also found two CASPIAN TERNS roosting with the RING-BILLED GULLS. Buff-breasted Sandpiper: http://pj-mcblake.smu

[Ontbirds] Ottawa: Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Great Egret, Lesser Black-backed Gull

2010-09-06 Thread Bruce Di Labio
Hi Ontbirders Sorry about the delay but life activities took priority. Yesterday evening, Ben and I spent a couple of hours birding the dyke at Shirley's Bay. The main reason was to do a roost count of Great Egrets. Between 6:45 pm and 7: 38 pm we counted 33 Great Egret heading to their roost