Hi Ontbirders

The birding today, May 14th was excellent in the Ottawa area with a large 
number of  migrant warblers and other land birds in various woodlots around the 
city. At the Britannia Conservation Area-Mud Lake there were 20 species of 
warblers including 1 Orange-crowned Warbler, 10+ Northern Parula, 450+ Yellow 
-rumped Warbler, 40 Yellow Warbler, 30 American Redstart, 7 Black-throated Blue 
Warbler, and smaller numbers of Bay-breasted, Pine, Palm, Magnolia, Canada, 
Wilson, Blackburnian and other species.  Numerous vireos including 3 
Philadelphia Vireo, 15 Warbling Vireo, 6 Red-eyed Vireo and 3 Bobolink flew 
over and 500+ Cedar Waxwing were observed. A Northern Mockingbird was found 
south of the BOCA along the bike path. Over the village of Britannia a loose 
flock of 100+ Chimney Swift were observed feeding high in the sky. A 
Yellow-throated Vireo was observed in a small wood lot off Island Park Drive 
and the Ottawa River Parkway. Lots of activity! 
Good birding, 

Directions: The Britannia Conservation Area-Mud Lake is located north of 
Carling Ave at Richmond Road.  Follow Britannia Road north to Cassels Road and 
turn right. 

Bruce Di Labio
400 Donald B. Munro Drive
P.O. Box 538
Carp, Ontario, K0A 1L0 

cell 613-715-2571
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birding organization.
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