Hi Everyone
At least 14 Hudsonian Godwits remain feeding at Shirley's Bay today along with 
70+ White-rumped Sandpiper and 11 Black-bellied Plover.  The overnight low 
temperature, 0c, and clear, in the Ottawa area pushed a number of migrants 
south including 8 Brant, 1 Surf Scoter, 1 Long-tailed Duck and 4 White-winged 
Scoter all off Dick Bell Park. There were a number of American Tree Sparrows 
along the Ottawa River and at the Shirley's Bay parking lot I observed 11 Pine 
Siskin, 2 Purple Finch, and a small flock of White-winged Crossbill flew over 

Good birding, Bruce

Directions: Shirley's Bay: From Ottawa take Hwy. 417 west to the Moodie Drive 
exit and turn north (right) on Moodie Drive and continue to Carling Ave. Turn 
left at Carling Ave. and follow Carling to Rifle Road. Turn right (north) on 
Rifle Rd. Park at the lot at the end (boat launch). Walk back to the road, and 
continue through the gate on the Department of National Defense property. There 
is a trail on your right (clearly marked with vehicle "No Entry" signs) which 
heads into the woods, and, eventually to the dyke. There is lots of POISON IVY 
along the dyke.

OFFICE BEFORE ENTERING THE DYKE AREA-- Call (613) 991-5740 and request 
permission to visit the dyke area for birding.

Di Labio Birding Website
Courses and Field Trips

Bruce Di Labio
400 Donald B. Munro Drive
P.O. Box 538
Carp, Ontario
K0A 1L0 
Office 613-839-4395 Cell 613-715-2571
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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