Hi Birders,

I checked out a site north of Grand Bend this morning that Brandon Holden
and I have been checking somewhat regularly this past fall and had a great

Highlights as follows:
Pacific Loon - 1 pre-basic adult flyby, heading south not too far offshore
at 0844.
Evening Grosbeaks - 53 - scattered flocks heading south (1, 19, 29, 1, 2, 1)

Other interesting birds:
Red-throated Loon - at least 52, including a nice group of birds just
offshore (count was likely a fair bit higher)
Black-capped Chickadee - 1,135 - scattered flocks were moving south along
the shoreline, literally only a few feet away as they passed by -- very
cool to see!
Common Redpoll - 79
Pine Siskin - 241
Purple Finch - 17

See my eBird checklist for the complete totals/location:

Ken Burrell
The *Best Places to Bird in Ontario* - in stores spring 2019. Find out more
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