Hi Birders,

Just giving you an update on what's happening on Pelee Island. Activity has 
been excellent, with over 160 species, including at least 31 species of warbler 
(plus a hybrid) in the last 24 hours. Some of the highlights are below:

Blue Grosbeak - Paul Carter found a first-alternate male at about 10am, just 
south of the Winery on McCormick's Road about 300m. south of the East-West 
Road, where a small gravel lane way heads back into the Winery property. The 
bird was seen by many who put the time in to see it and was associating 
exclusively with White-crowned Sparrows.

Yellow-throated Warbler - a (young?) male was seen and heard by a few at the 
quarry ponds, by the Winery today.
Willet - 2 birds were seen on the south shore, where Stone Road and South Shore 
Road intersect, yesterday.

Prairie Warbler - 1 male was singing, about 400m. north of Middle Point, along 
East Shore Road
Prothonotary Warbler - the male is on territory at Fish Point. Don't play tapes!
Cerulean Warbler - females seen at Middle and Lighthouse Point yesterday.
Louisiana Waterthrush - 1 male at Middle Point.
Golden-winged Warbler - males at Middle Point (yesterday) and (banded) at Fish 
Point this AM.
Hooded Warbler - males seen just north of Middle Point and another at Fish 
Point, yesterday.
Brewster's Warbler - 1 male in the canal just north of Middle Point yesterday.
Eastern Whip-poor-will - 1 male singing along Stone Road.
Clay-colored Sparrow - singles at Lighthouse Point (yesterday) and near the 
Winery today.
Common Redpoll - a flock of 22 near the Winery today. 

For any questions or concerns or directions, please feel free to email me.

Great birding,
Ken Burrell

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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