Observations of nesting Peregrine Falcon are requested from birders for the
2010 Ontario-wide survey.  The results of the survey which is coordinated by
the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources will help assess the status of
this threatened species.  The aim is to locate and monitor all Peregrine
Falcon nesting activity as part of a survey conducted every 5 years.

The peregrine has been undergoing a gradual recovery since the population
collapsed due to DDT effects in the early 1960s.  During the 2005 survey,
peregrine were reported from 78 sites in Ontario and it is likely that even
more sites will be documented in 2010.

In northern Ontario, Peregrine Falcon typically nest on high, steep cliffs,
often overlooking large bodies of water. In central and southern Ontario,
they are usually found in urban centres, where they may nest on tall
buildings, bridges and smokestacks, and also on artificial cliffs in

Birders should report Peregrine Falcon nesting activity during the
March-August breeding period.  Information collected includes: signs of an
occupied territory, territorial pair or confirmed nesting; nest location;
information on banded birds; number of eggs or young; and observations of
fledged young.  Please remember that this is a protected species, and
nesting birds should not be disturbed.

Observers who help with established falcon watch programs, including the
Canadian Peregrine Foundation are encouraged to continue to report their
sightings to those programs as this information will be shared with the 2010

Reports should be submitted by email to jenn.chiko...@ontario.ca or
lisa.ny...@ontario.ca or can be provided directly to local OMNR district

Chris Risley
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to ONTBIRDS mailing list ONTBIRDS@hwcn.org
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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