Great OFO photography workshop today led by Claude King.

Some interesting birds seen and often photographed throughout the day.

Highlights : Barred Owl; Red-bellied Woodpecker, Brown-headed Cowbird, 
Red-winged Blackbird ( Lyndeshores C. A. ); Harlequin Duck ( thanks Brandon  
McWalters for the tip ), 2nd-winter Glaucous Gull, adult Iceland Gull , Great 
Blue Heron( Whitby harbour), Common Loon ( Oshawa harbour), 4 Song Sparrows, 1 
White-throated Sparrow ( 2nd Marsh).

Many thanks to Claude King for sharing his expertise with the group.

Also, thankyou to Andrew Don for his great spotting and to Nigel Haroon for  
his photographic assistance.

Very successful outing.

We hope to offer a spring /summer workshop next year.

Dave Milsom

OFO F ieldtrip Coordinator

ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists (OFO) - the 
provincial birding organization.
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