*Friends of Point Pelee provide guided birding hikes throughout the Festival
of Birds at Point Pelee National Park of Canada. Proceeds from hikes support
the Friends of Point Pelee and Point Pelee National Park. This submitted
report is a service of the Friends of Point Pelee Hike Leaders.*

* *

*Point Pelee National Park Migration Update for: MAY 4, 2011*

Cool but DRY conditions greeted birders this morning. As temperatures slowly
warm up, more and more birds are being reported from around the Park.

A Tufted Titmouse was noted from near the Great Horned Owl nest at the north
end of the Park. Another bird was heard singing from the south end of Tilden
Woods, and two more were reported at the Tip.

The Yellow-breasted Chat continues to frequent the area along Shuster Trail,
providing those who wait with great looks as it feeds in the Staghorn Sumac.
A lovely male Hooded Warbler was seen again in Tilden Woods, although it has
been moving around a lot. Other birds reported from Tildens Woods were
Red-headed and Red-bellied Woodpeckers, Northern Waterthrush, many Veery and
lingering Rusty Blackbird, Brown Creeper and Dark-eyed Junco. A Pine
Siskinwas heard calling overhead. Slightly further north, along the
Trail, an orange variant Scarlet Tanager was seen. A male Eastern
Bluebirdwas observed foraging at the east side of the Visitor Centre
parking lot for
those lucky enough to be part of the Friends of Point Pelee Bird Hike.

Also re-spotted today was Prothonotary Warbler. It was seen at the boardwalk
east of post 16, along the Woodland Nature Trail. A little further along (at
the very northern boardwalk) 2 Louisiana Waterthrush were reported, as well
as a Worm-eating Warbler. At the boardwalk at post 11, a Yellow-throated
Vireo and Northern Parula were seen. Another Red-headed Woodpecker was
reported elsewhere along the trail.

At the tip this morning a Red-throated Loon and all three species of scoters
were seen. A Northern Mockingbird and Gray-cheeked Thrush were also spotted
in the area.

Other birds reported on May 3 included a Townsend’s Solitaire, moving
through the tree tops just south of the Visitor Centre. It has not been
reported by anyone today. A Sedge Wren and Golden-winged Warbler were
reported from Tilden Woods. Ten (10) Wilson’s Phalaropes were seen from the
shorebird cell at Hillman Marsh C.A. Also, the Snowy Egret was seen along
County Road 20 near Malden Centre (Amherstburg).

Good Birding,

Hike Leaders: Pete, KARL, Todd, Justin, Marianne, John, Ellen, Alvan and


Point Pelee National Park of Canada and Friends of Point Pelee
For more information on the festival and archived Point Pelee Migration
Reports, please check our www.festivalofbirds.ca
FOLLOW the park on

 Janice Rogers, General Manager
Friends of Point Pelee  Celebrating 30 years
Our Point is Pelee

*Festival of Birds April 30 though May 23, 2011 *
*www.festivalofbirds.ca* <http://www.festivalofbirds.ca/>* *
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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