On Wed, May 11, 2011 at 12:35 PM, Friends of Point Pelee <
i...@friendsofpointpelee.com> wrote:

> *Friends of Point Pelee provide guided birding hikes throughout the
> Festival of Birds at Point Pelee National Park of Canada. Proceeds from
> hikes support the Friends of Point Pelee and Point Pelee National Park. This
> submitted report is a service of the Friends of Point Pelee Hike Leaders.*
> * *
> *Point** Pelee National Park** Migration Update for: MAY 11, 2011*
> Cool winds from the East greeted birders at the tip of Point Pelee, but it
> is a sunny day.
> I should mention first that the PACIFIC LOON of the last few days was seen
> just off-shore near the same location as first found, cottage 1038 just
> north of the Park on Pelee Drive. It was moving south.
> Also noted just outside the Park along the E Concession at 1735, there was
> a KIRTLAND’S WARBLER reported. No sign at White Pine of the one seen
> yesterday yet.
> Thirty-six species of warbler were sighted in the Park yesterday, and while
> today hasn’t turned up quite as many, reports continue to come in to the
> Centre. Birds are scattered throughout the Park with some areas busier than
> others. Most activity seems to be on the west side.
> Those that braved the breezes at the Tip were rewarded with an adult ICELAND’S
> GULL and sub-adult LESSER BLACK BACKED GULL. Other birds offshore included
> all three SCOTERs and COMMON LOON.
> Passerines at the Tip of note that were reported were a YELLOW-BREASTED
> Tilden Woods held promise. A number of NORTHERN WATERTHRUSH were scattered
> about and a singing LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH was noted. Also reported from
> there, an OLIVE-SIDED FLYCATCHER, quite early for this bird. One BLACK-BILLED
> CUCKOO was seen and a BLUE-WINGED WARBLER. Many thrushes were reported
> from Tilden Woods as well, with many WOOD THRUSH singing.
> Near the start of Shuster Trail at the first water area, there was a 
> WARBLER. At the beach at the end of Shuster there was a RUDDY TURNSTONE.
> Off of West Beach Parking lot and beach a couple of COMMON LOON were seen,
> as well as all three SCOTERS, and LONG-TAILED DUCK.
> Woodland Trail just south of the Visitor Centre had a HOODED WARBLER, 
> WARBLER, and a lot of both BALTIMORE and ORCHARD ORIOLEs. The latter two
> species are actually very common in the Park. A CAROLINA WREN and EASTERN
> TOWHEE were singing loudly near each other in the woods.
> Outside the Park:
> As mentioned there was a report of a KIRTLAND’S WARBLER at 1735 Concession
> E, just outside the Park.
> Also mentioned to us, YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD (s) have been seen at the
> end of Angler’s Line south of Mitchell’s Bay.
> Good Birding,
> Hike Leaders: PETE, Karl, Todd, Justin, Marianne, John, Ellen, Alvan and
> Jeremy
> Point Pelee National Park of Canada and Friends of Point Pelee
> For more information on the festival and archived Point Pelee Migration
> Reports, please check our www.festivalofbirds.ca FOLLOW the park on
> Twitter.com/PointPeleeNP
> --
>  Janice Rogers, General Manager
> Friends of Point Pelee ~ Celebrating 30 years
> "Our Point is Pelee"
> www.friendsofpointpelee.com
> 519-326-6173
> *Festival of Birds ~ April 30 though May 23, 2011 *
> *www.festivalofbirds.ca* <http://www.festivalofbirds.ca/>* *

 Janice Rogers, General Manager
Friends of Point Pelee ~ Celebrating 30 years
"Our Point is Pelee"

*Festival of Birds ~ April 30 though May 23, 2011 *
*www.festivalofbirds.ca* <http://www.festivalofbirds.ca/>* *
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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