On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 12:36 PM, Friends of Point Pelee <
i...@friendsofpointpelee.com> wrote:

> *Friends of Point Pelee provide guided birding hikes throughout the
> Festival of Birds at Point Pelee National Park of Canada. Proceeds from
> hikes support the Friends of Point Pelee and Point Pelee National Park. This
> submitted report is a service of the Friends of Point Pelee Hike Leaders.*
> * *
> *Point** Pelee National Park** Migration Update for: MAY 12, 2011*
> Thunderstorms came through in predawn morning which seemed to down quite a
> few birds. As the day began, many species were seen to be orientating out
> from the Tip.
> Many species were involved in these flights, warblers, thrushes, sparrows,
> blackbirds including orioles, and tanagers, among others.
> Most reports were coming in from the Tip as that is where the action was.
> Probably about 20 species of warbler were seen there.
> A Prothonotary Warbler was noted. Chestnut-side Warbler was common and
> several Wilsons, Orange-crowned and Canada Warblers were seen.
> There was a Blue-winged Warbler near the Tip and a Golden-winged 
> Warblerreported near the Sparrow Field. Also noted at the Tip were Red-headed
> Woodpecker, Clay-colored Sparrow, N. Mockingbird, Red-headed Woodpecker, 
> Eastern
> Bluebird and Philadelphia Vireo. A DICKCISSEL was seen flying near the Tip
> as well, perhaps the one from yesterday.
> Off shore at the Tip there were Red-throated Loon, all three scoters and a
> Long-tailed Duck.
> Inland, birders found a Hooded Warbler and Golden-winged Warbler just
> south of the Visitor Centre.
> A N. Parula was spotted in Dunes.
> A Golden-winged Warbler was noted at the start of Shuster Trail.
> Tilden Woods has a great variety of birds as well, including many warblers
> such as Wilson’s warbler and Northern Waterthrush.
> Outside the Park:
> The Dickcissel reported from across from Pelee Wings Store, on Pelee
> Drive, has not been reported from there yet but as mentioned above, there
> was one at the Tip in the morning. Nor has the Kentucky Warbler that was
> walking around the house nearby.
> Yesterday at Hillman Marsh several shorebirds were noted. Including
> approximately 200 Dunlin, 6 Black-bellied Plovers, 8 Semipalmated Plovers,
> 5 Lesser Yellowlegs, several Least Sandpiper and 39 Short-billed
> Dowitchers including one Dowitcher of the locally rare griseus subspecies.
> Good warbler counts were made at the Northwest Beach over the last few
> days.
> No word as of yet of anything else but we will attempt to update as
> possible.
> Good Birding,
> Hike Leaders: Pete, Karl, Todd, Justin, Marianne, John, Ellen, Alvan and
> Jeremy
> Point Pelee National Park of Canada and Friends of Point Pelee
> For more information on the festival and archived Point Pelee Migration
> Reports, please check our www.festivalofbirds.ca FOLLOW the park on
> Twitter.com/PointPeleeNP
> --
>  Janice Rogers, General Manager
> Friends of Point Pelee ~ Celebrating 30 years
> "Our Point is Pelee"
> www.friendsofpointpelee.com
> 519-326-6173
> *Festival of Birds ~ April 30 though May 23, 2011 *
> *www.festivalofbirds.ca* <http://www.festivalofbirds.ca/>* *

 Janice Rogers, General Manager
Friends of Point Pelee ~ Celebrating 30 years
"Our Point is Pelee"

*Festival of Birds ~ April 30 though May 23, 2011 *
*www.festivalofbirds.ca* <http://www.festivalofbirds.ca/>* *
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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