Friends of Point Pelee provide guided birding hikes throughout the Festival
of Birds at Point Pelee National Park of Canada. Proceeds from hikes
support the Friends of Point Pelee and Point Pelee National Park. This
submitted report is a service of the Friends of Point Pelee Hike Leaders.

Point Pelee National Park Migration Update for:  May 11, 2012

It is a bright and sunny day for birding at Point Pelee today, with modest
winds out of the west. A total of 25 warbler species have been reported
from various locations in the Park as of 11:30 a.m.

Highlights in the area of the Tip included: a first of year Alder
Flycatcher just south of the boardwalk area of the Tip Trail, Gray-cheeked
Thrush in various locations, Blue-winged Warbler where the main Tip Trail
turns to the west, and Wilson’s Warbler 100 metres north of the tram stop
on the West Beach Trail. There is an un-confirmed report of a female Blue
Grosbeak just north of the tram stop. Savannah Sparrows seemed to have come
in overnight and were common in the Tip area, and included a single
“nevadensis” race that sat patiently while it was identified.

The Woodland Nature Trail was fairly active today. The male and female
Warblers were taking moss into a prospective nest hole just north of the
south-east bridge. Both a Golden-winged Warbler and a ”Brewster’s” Warbler were
observed near Post 16 with a Canada Warbler elsewhere on the trail.
Cuckoo was observed on the north end of the Redbud Trail with additional
sightings of the same species at the intersection of the Shuster and Tilden
Trails and a pair was observed on the east side of the Anders Footpath on
the FOPP twilight hike on May 10th. A Marsh Wren was on the Woodland Nature
Trail just south of the Visitor’s Centre. A report has just come in of
a Worm-eating
Warbler from the north side of the Botham Trail just south of the Visitor’s
Centre and has been confirmed by the FOPP hike leaders.

Highlight birds from the Shuster Trail north of the Visitor’s Centre
include a Sora on the Shuster Trail just west of the bridge at the east end
of the trail, Blackpoll Warblers on the East Beach south of the Shuster

Good Birding,

Hike Leaders: Pete, Karl, Todd, Justin, John, Ellen, and Alvan

FESTIVAL OF BIRDS May 3 through May 21, 2012

Point Pelee National Park of Canada and Friends of Point Pelee

For more information on the festival and archived Point Pelee Migration
Reports, please check our

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 Janice Rogers, General Manager
Friends of Point Pelee "Our Point is Pelee"
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