HI Ont-Birders; This is a heads up for birders in the Huron Fringe area to
be on the lookout. This afternoon on a walk at the beach I heard what any
other year I would have said was a young American Crow. But this year is
different and being the sound was coming from the debris at the high water
line I decided to investigate. Before I got within a hundred meters another
crow came out of the sky and attacked what it considered an intruder. The
two crows went hightailing it up the beach with me in hot persute. My old
legs soon gave out but I did see where the two disappeared into the trees.
I noticed no size difference and both birds had the glossy sheen of adult
birds. Shortly after a single crow came out and silently passed me and went
back to the original location. I have little experience with Fish Crows but
this has my curiosity up. I understand adult crows will occasionally give
begging calls away from the nest. I lingered on until dusk but no more
calls where heard. I plan to return early tomorrow to see if I can hear the
uh-uh. Cheers James

Directions to Horton Point;  Kincardine is on Lake Huron where highways 21
and 9 meet.
>From Queen st  Kincardine turn onto Golf Links and go all the way to the
lake. Horton Point is a short walk to the south. Can also be seen from the
lake end of Kingsway.
ONTBIRDS is presented by the Ontario Field Ornithologists - the provincial 
birding organization.
Send bird reports to birdalert@ontbirds.ca
For information about ONTBIRDS visit http://www.ofo.ca/

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