While birding at the Windermere Basin in Hamilton this afternoon, I took
some pictures of a shoal where several ducks and cormorants were sitting.
When I returned home and took a proper look at the photos, I noticed that
one of the cormorants appeared to be a good match for a Great Cormorant. In
this first photo, the cormorant is facing to the right, and a white patch
on the throat is clearly visible. The cormorant also appears to be larger,
with a blockier head, than the Double-crested Cormorant to its right:


In the second photo I have, the apparent Great Cormorant has turned its
head away, so the white throat patch isn't visible, but I've included this
photo as it shows more clearly how much larger the cormorant in question is
compared to the Double-crested Cormorants around it:


The last photo I have is the first one zoomed in on the apparent Great


I'm aware that this would be a very unusual record for Lake Ontario at this
time of year, and that my photos aren't the best quality, but they're all I
have - I didn't realize I was looking at anything unusual until I got home
and examined the photos more carefully. Anyone who's visiting the
Windermere Basin tomorrow looking for shorebirds should take some time to
scan the cormorants as well. It would be fantastic to get a confirmation
that this is really a Great Cormorant.

Dominik Halas
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