In Presqu'ile Park today, Sunday August 23, the first wave of southbound
shorebirds fed on the algae from Beach 4 to  Owen Point, about 120-150 birds
all told, a great improvement on the low numbers so far this fall. Most were
Least and Semipalmated Sandpipers and Sanderlings with a few Semipalmated
Plovers, and at least 2 juv. Baird's and one White-rumped. One Sanderling
had a green tag on its left leg, CP5. We looked very hard for a Western
without any luck.
The best lookouts are 1, 2 and 3 - 5 & 6 are overgrown with phragmites and
loosetrife, but it looks as if there is work ongoing here - hope so anyway.
We were sorry to see that Beach 4 had been heavily raked, contrary to the
Park's latest management plan, leaving very little food there for these

As an adendnum, there was a wonderful flight of Common Nighthawks over
Cobourg harbour tonight, with over 100 travelling west between 7.15 and 8pm.

Directions: follow signs to Presqu'ile Provincial Park from Brighton, south
off Hwy.401, Exit 509.

Margaret Bain

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birding organization.
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